Storage class changes

You have to make the following changes in storage classes.

  • Storage class for Linux specific application pods:

    On Linux pods, either use the standard storage class or use the NFS provisioner.

    Configure the storage class in the values.yaml file of unica-discover helm chart in the location sofy-unica-discover/charts/unica-discover/values.yaml.

    To use standard storage class (default in AWS), update the following in values.yaml file.

        linuxExisting: "standard"
  • Storage class for Windows specific application pods:

    For windows pods, create a storage class as NTFS type on AWS to deploy the pods.

    To create a storage class as NTFS, update the unica-discover/charts/unica-discover/templates/storage-class.yaml with the following settings:

      fstype: NTFS 
      type: gp2 
    reclaimPolicy: Delete 
    volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer