Configuring the Packet Forwarder for failover on cloud

You configure the packet forwarder primary interfaces and listening ports.


  1. Using a text editor, open the /etc/fwdr-conf.xml file.
  2. Edit the PrimaryInterface tag to add the virtual NIC device name that the packet forwarder uses to capture the web server's traffic. In most installations, the NIC device name is eth0.
  3. Locate the ListenTos tag and add any additional ports that you want to capture traffic from the configuration file. Ports 80 and 443 are listed by default.
  4. Locate the Delivery tag and edit the Address and Port tags with the IP address and port number of the virtual machine that is hosting the SPR.
    Note: Each packet forwarder and listener pair uses one port. The default port number is 1888. When multiple pairs are used, the port address defines the first port number that is used to define a block of port numbers. For example, if you are capturing traffic from five web servers, then five packet forwarder and packet listener pairs are used to capture the traffic. In this scenario, ports 1888 - 1892 are used.
  5. Edit the Port tag to define the port number for the network connection. Each packet forwarder requires a unique port number to identify a unique network connection to the SPR VM instance. The port numbers must be assigned in sequential order. This is required by the SPR's socket receiver when configuring it for the packet forwarders' network connections. If you decide to start with port number 1888 for the first packet forwarder, then defining five of them would be ports 1888 - 1892 explicitly.
  6. Edit the MaxRotatePeers tag to define the maximum number of web server instances that are dynamically provisioned. The default value is 1. If you are capturing traffic from five web servers, then set this value to 5.
    Note: If you are statically assigning a fixed number of web server instances with associated packet forwarders, then the MaxRotatePeers would remain set to the default value of 1. Each packet forwarder would need to configured with a unique Port number to identify a unique network connection to the SPR VM instance. The port numbers must be assigned in sequential order. This is required by the SPR's socket receiver when configuring it for the packet forwarders' network connections. If you decide to start with port number 1888 for the first packet forwarder, then defining five of them should be 1888 - 1892 explicitly.
  7. Save you changes to the /etc/fwdr-conf.xml file.