Automatically configuring multiple packet forwarders from a DNCA

Use this task to configure multiple packet forwarders at once, instead of one at a time.

About this task

You need to modify the initconn script on the packet forwarder to include the IP address of the DNCA. After you modify the script you restart the initconn service manually on the command line or by restarting your web server.


  1. Create public and private rsa key pairs on the DNCA machine.
  2. On each packet forwarder, add the public rsa key to the authorized_keys file under root: cat <public key> >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
  3. On the packet forwarder:
    1. Modify the initconn script in the sbin directory. Add the IP address of the DNCAs in your configuration to the file.
    2. Restart the initconn service by either restarting your web server or enter service initconn restart.
    3. Create a new image or save this image to create additional packet forwarders. For AWS, this would be creating a new AMI image.
  4. Use the image you created in Step 3c to create additional packet forwarder instances that you want to be automatically configured. How you do this depends on the could platform. For AWS, this can be done by creating new instances from an AMI image.
  5. On the DNCA machine:
    1. Modify the pfconf-conf.xml file in the <install>/dir and enter the IP address and maximum number of peers for the DNCAs in your solution.
    2. Enter ./pfconf -s to configure the rest of the packet forwarders associated with the DNCA machine. If you want the pserv process to listen on a port other than the default 1880 port, enter ./pfconf -s <port number>
  6. Optional: Manually modify the packet forwarder configuration locally on the master DNCA. If you want to set the configuration for just one of the packet forwarders, you edit the fwdr-conf.xml file for the packet forwarder. Each packet forwarder has a configuration file in <installdir>/etc/pf-confs/<ipaddress>/fwdr-conf.xml. Any changes you make to this file are picked up by the pfconf script when it runs. The script sends the edited configuration to the packet forwarder and restarts the service to use the new configuration.