Command-line options

In addition to backing up Discover, DCBackup is the service used to cycle services in the Discover system, except for the Transport Service, which must remain present to spool data during the DCBackup operation.

  • These options can also be configured through the XML configuration file for DCBackup. See Configuring DCBackup.

You can execute backup and cycle services using the following commands at the command line.

Partial Backup

dcbackup -Partial

Full Backup

dcbackup -Full

Cycle All Services

dcbackup -Cycleservices

If a Discover service is in a stopped state when DCBackup is executed, DCBackup does not start the service. If you have intentionally taken a service down for maintenance or troubleshooting, then this behavior prevents an unwanted restart of the service in maintenance.

To force a restart of all services after DCBackup has executed, you can issue the following command-line command. This command should be executed after DCBackup.exe has completed, preferably as a second command in the same command-line script:

"<discover_install_directory>\CanSvcs.exe" -start


  • <discover_install_directory> is the full path to the Discover install directory.
  • The double-quotes are required.

When the above command is executed, any running services are not affected, and any stopped services are started.

Use Alternate Configuration File

You may specify an alternate configuration file in the command, which enables you to perform different types of backups depending on the situation, without modifying a single config file between backup operations.

In the example command below, a full backup is performed using the alternate config file [cfgfile]:

dcbackup -Full -Altcfg [cfgfile]


[cfgfile] is the full path to the alternate configuration file.

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