Hit attribute limits

When creating a hit attribute, here are some important limits to consider:

  • Start tags and End tags may be up to 256 characters in length.
  • There is no effective limit to the number of characters between the start tag and end tag.
  • The maximum length of a value that is used as an event condition is 128 characters.
    Note: Other Discover objects may impose limits on the captured data. For example, dimensions that are populated by hit attributes may contain values up to a maximum of 256 characters in length.

The above limitations have the following implications:

  • If you create a hit attribute that uses only a Start Tag, the value of the Start Tag is the exact pattern that you are trying to match. Even though this pattern may be up to 256 characters, the event condition may only be 128 characters in length. So, a found pattern of length that is greater than 128 characters cannot be matched in an event condition.
  • If your hit attribute contains start and end tags, the effective limit on the content to be matched between the tags is 128 characters for the same reason as above.