Creating alerts based on dimensions

You can create an alert based on both an event and a dimension.


  1. Navigate to the Alerts tab within the Event Manager. Portal > Configure > Event Manager > Alerts.
  2. Click the New Event Alert button and select the event you want to work with.
  3. A Dimensions button will appear. Click the Dimensions button to select a dimension group. Click OK.
  4. From here you can define the dimension and value. If you need to define more than one dimension and value combination, click Add. To delete a selection, click the X next to the selected dimension and value.
  5. When complete, click Save.
  6. Next you can define the alert type, threshold, direction, interval, reset, and whether or not to enable warnings. Click Save.

What to do next

To add an event group to your alert, click <Select Event>.

After selecting your event you can choose a dimension group by clicking Dimension. After choosing a dimension group and clicking OK you will be prompted to define the dimension and value. If you need to choose more than one dimension and value combination, click Add.