Session Archiving field definitions for scheduled tasks

If you need more information about fields while you are monitoring scheduled tasks, you can find them here.

Field Definitions

  • Name - the name for the task, which is displayed in the Configured Tasks and Scheduled Tasks windows. Illegal characters are removed from the Name when the task is saved.
  • Description - the description for the task.
  • Scheduling - the schedule for when the task is to run. Choose one of the following:
    • Run Now - As soon as the task is configured, run it immediatel.y
    • Run Once - Run the task at the scheduled time and then do not run it again.
    • Run Daily - Run the task at the scheduled time each day.
    • Run Hourly - Run the task every hour of every day.
  • ID - contains the internal identifier for the task. Identifiers are used by HCL Discover Session Archiving tasks, hidden internal tasks, and HCL Discover Data Export tasks, if it is installed.
  • Name - The name for the task.
  • Status - The status of the task. To refresh the status of all tasks in the window, click Refresh.
    • Waiting to Run - The task is scheduled to run
    • Completed - The scheduled task completed successfully. To run a task again, select the task and click Run Again.
    • Failed - The scheduled task failed to complete. To find out why, select the task and click View Log.
    • Stopped - The scheduled task was stopped by a user.
    • Running - The scheduled task is running. To stop any task, select it and click Stop Task.
  • Start Time - The date and time for the next time the task is scheduled to run. Time is based on a 24-hour clock. Timestamps for when the task actually started are labeled with an asterisk (*).
  • Information - A short message that indicates the results of the task. For more information, see the log for the task.