Verifying the Instllation on Microsoft Windows

After installing HCL Discover Session Archiving software, you must verify the installation.

About this task

To verify the installation on Microsoft Windows, complete the following steps:


  1. In the Windows search bar, type regedit.
    The Registry Editor dialog opens.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > WOW6432Node > HCL Discover.
  3. Confirm if the values for the following fields are the same that were provided during installation:
    • DiscoverPath
    • MasterServer
    • SMTPServer
  4. Ensure that the value of SessionArchiving_Installed has (1) suffixed to it.
  5. To start Discover services, navigate to Start Menu > HCL Discover > Start Discover Services.
  6. To reset IIS, open the command prompt, type iisreset and press Enter.
  7. To verify if the application server is up and running, open a browser and access the following link:
    http://<IP Address>:38007/SessionArchivingServer/ExtractSA