Legacy support for event definitions

This topic provides information on how pre-Release 8.0 event definitions are mapped into Release 8.0 HCL Discover Session Archiving data fields.

The No Dimension Report Group report group, which is associated with all events, can be exported through HCL Discover Session Archiving.

The following table describes how pre-Release 8.0 event definitions are mapped into Release 8.0 HCL Discover Session Archiving data fields.

Table 1. Legacy Support for Event Definitions
Item Release 8.0 or later field pre-Release 8.0 field
Event Name Eventname event_name
Event ID Event ID unique_id
Category ID empty category_id
Session Event N session_event
Dimension Group group_name N/A
Enum ID empty enum_id
Fact Dim Value 0 Fact dimvalue0 text_found
Fact Dim Value 1 - Fact Dim Value 3 not mapped currently N/A
Login ID Session Attribute 00 Login ID
Session attribute 1 Session Attribute 01 UserDef 1
Session attribute 2 Session Attribute 02 UserDef 2
Session attribute 3 Session Attribute 03 UserDef 3
Session attribute 4 Session Attribute 04 UserDef 4