Increasing the SQL Server timeout

Complete the following steps to increase the SQL Server timeout setting that is used by Discover and complete the upgrade.


  1. Log in to the Discover Portal as an administrator.
  2. From the Portal menu, select Discover > Manage Services.
  3. The Manage Services is displayed.
  4. In Server view, click the Discover node.
  5. Select Shared configuration information.
  6. In the Config Actions pane, click View/Edit.
  7. The Discover Report Configuration dialog is displayed. Click the Database tab.
  8. Click Connection Timeout.
    • By default, this value is set to 600 (seconds), which is 10 minutes.
  9. Enter a higher value and click Apply.
  10. Click Save.
  11. In the Update Servers dialog, select Add Tasks and Submit.
  12. After the job runs, all Discover servers in your environment are updated with the new database connection timeout setting.
    • See "Manage Services Jobs Tab" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
    • For more information about the database connection timeout, see "Shared configuration information" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
  13. Upgrade the DC_SYSTEM database in Individual Database mode through the Discover Database Manager.