Remove Canister Spool Files

To remove the Canister spool files from your existing HCL Discover installation:


  1. Verify that the last execution of the Data Collector is complete.
    For more information, see Completing Data Collection.
  2. Go to the directory where the spool files are saved.

    The default directory where the spool files are written, is \<Discover_install_directory>\spool where <Discover_install_directory> is the directory where Discover is installed.

    To verify the location of the spool directory:
    1. Log in to the Discover portal.
    2. Select Discover > Manage Services
    3. Select the WorldView tab.
    4. Select Transport Service > Transport Service configuration
    5. Locate Config Actions and select View/Edit (Raw).
    6. Locate the [DecouplEx] heading in the configuration text. The value of SpoolDir displays the spool directory.
  3. Delete the Canister spool files.
    Canister spool files use .tsp as the file extension.

What to do next

Continue with Next Steps to continue the upgrade process.