Usability data

HCL Discover Usability data is submitted from the HCL Discover UI Capture J2 solution.

HCL Discover Usability data comes in the following forms:

Comparison Analytics
With the Comparison Analytics overlay, you can view selected metrics for a web page and apply specific segments and filters to create customized reports.
  • For more information about this feature, see "Comparison Analytics Overlay" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Heat mapping
Identifies regions on a page or ScreenView where visitors click, regardless of whether an object was selected.
  • For more information about this feature, see "Using Heat Maps" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Attention mapping
Identifies the regions on a page or ScreenView that are most frequently displayed within the visitor's browser window.
  • For more information about this feature, see "Using Attention Maps" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Identifies visitor activities on forms on a page or ScreenView.
  • For more information about this feature, see "Using Form Analytics" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Identifies links that are most frequently selected by visitors to a page or ScreenView.
  • For more information about this feature, see "Using Link Analytics" in the HCL Discover Manuals.