Manage Services Settings

About this task

When the Portal becomes available, you should login to the Portal and configure the Manage Services Master server.


  1. Login to the Discover Portal as an administrator.
  2. In the Portal menu, select Discover > Manage Services.
  3. In the Server view, click the Discover Management Server node.
  4. Click Discover Management Server configuration.
  5. In the Config Actions pane, click View/Edit.
  6. The Discover Management Server configuration is displayed:
    Table 1. Manage Services Settings
    Field Description Required Value
    Days to Keep Notifications Number of days to retain notification messages. Retain default value for now
    Log Level The log level for writing messages to the Manage Services log. Retain default value for now
    Master Port Port number for the Manage Services master server to use. Default setting is 20000. Change this value only if required.
    Master Server Enter the name of the server that is the Manage Services master.
    Note: When specifying the Manage Services master server on Manage Services slave servers, use the DNS-resolvable machine name, which can be acquired by running the hostname command from the Windows command line.
    Specify the machine name. If the Manage Services Master is installed on the Portal Server, use localhost.
    Note: Unless there is a strong reason to do otherwise, the Portal Server should always be the Manage Services master. Using a different server as Manage Services master may require additional configuration and extra processing.
    Note: It is recommended that you install on the Manage Services Server first and launch the Manage Services server. If it is on the Portal Server, it is not required that you start the Portal. You can install and start other servers first; these servers poll for the Manage Services master server until it comes online.

    For more information on these settings, see "Manage Services Administration" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.