Event Tester - Select Events tab

In the Select Events tab, you can select the events whose results you want to view in the currently selected session.

  • Step-based events can be selected in this tab. See "Step-Based Eventing" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.
  • When you select an event, any hit attribute that is referenced in the event is automatically selected and displayed in the Hit Attributes tab. You can modify these selections as needed in the other tab.
  • If you recently created a step-based event, it may take a few minutes before it is available for selection in the Event Tester. See "Step-Based Eventing" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.
    Note: Only the events that are selected in the Selected Events tab are displayed in the View Results tab.

By default, the set of currently active events is sorted for display by event label.

  • To display all events by alphabetical order of display name, clear the View by Labels check box.
  • To filter the list of events, enter a string in the Filter Events textbox. The filter is applied in real time to display only the matching events.
  • To review more information about the event, mouse over the event name.
  • To add an event to the results, click it. It is added to the Selected Events pane.
  • To add all events for a specific Label, click the label name in the Available Events pane. The label remains displayed in selection panel.
  • To remove an event, click the X icon for the event in the Selected Events pane. The event is removed.
  • To clear the list of events that were added to the test, click Remove All.

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