Configuring caching in the file

You can set parameters in the file to control LTS caching.

About this task

Caching properties are part of file. Static resources such as CSS files and image files can be cached and the memory size can be set to determine memory allocation for caching.

Use the information here to learn how to configure caching in the file.


  1. Access the file.

    The is located in the HCL Discover install directory. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\Unica Discover\ApacheTomcat\webapps\SessionArchivingServer.war\WEB-INF\classes\

  2. Set the CACHE_MAXSIZEINMEMORY property to indicate the allowed memory allocation for caching.

    The default memory for cache is 500MB.

    If you change CACHE_MAXSIZEINMEMORY, you must include the size suffix. Valid suffixes are:
    • KB for kilobyte.
    • MB for megabyte.
    • GB for gigabyte.
    Note: In cases of an invalid configuration and exception, the CACHE_MAXSIZEINMEMORY parameter always reverts back to the 500MB default value. For example, if you set an invalid value of CACHE_MAXSIZEINMEMORY = 100TB, the setting for the parameter reverts automatically to its default of CACHE_MAXSIZEINMEMORY = 500MB.
  3. Set the CACHE_ITEMEXPIRY_TIME to indicate the time interval that static resources are cached.

    The value set for this property is always interpreted in hours.

    The default number of hours that static resources are cached is 4. For example, when CACHE_ITEMEXPIRY_TIME is set to 4, a demon thread runs every 4 HOURS to remove expired items (any item that has existed in the cache for more than the hourly values specified in CACHE_ITEMEXPIRY_TIME).

  4. Optionally, set the CACHE_MAX_ASSETS if you want to cache based on the number of static resources.

    If the size of the static resources exceeds that which is specified by the least recently used (LRU) caching policy, the memory is trimmed as per the property CACHE_MAXSIZEINMEMORY.

    If the memory that you set is under utilized, then the number of static resources can be increased. The default set is 1000 assets / resources.