Session Archiving field definitions for extraction and archive tasks

If you need more information about populating fields during an extraction or archiving task, you can find them here.

General field names and field definitions

This list contains the field names and field definitions for the General tab:
  • Name - the name for the task, which is displayed in the Configured Tasks and Scheduled Tasks windows. Illegal characters are removed from the Name when the task is saved.
  • Description - the description for the task.
  • Scheduling - the schedule for when the task is to run. Choose one of the following:
    • Run Now - As soon as the task is configured, run it immediately.
    • Run Once - Run the task at the scheduled time and then do not run it again.
    • Run Daily - Run the task at the scheduled time each day. To account for the processes of indexing sessions and canister session timeout settings, it is recommended that any daily tasks be scheduled after 02:00:00 each night.
    • Run Hourly - Run the task every hour of every day.
  • Daily Extract Option - If you schedule a Daily extract task, you can choose to extract from the current day, the previous day, or some day in the past, as specified by the number of days that are entered in the text box. Your selections auto-populate the Extraction Period settings.
    • Current Day - Extracts sessions from today's date. If you want a full 24 hours worth of data, schedule this for just before midnight
    • Previous Day - Extracts sessions from yesterday's date.
    • N-th Day ago - where N is how many days ago.
  • Extraction Period - The time period from which to extract session data. These fields are constrained based on the Scheduling selection. You can apply more filters to the data through the Data Filters tab. Some session data can be excluded as part of the data extract through the Data Set tab.
  • Extraction Type - Specifies the type of sessions to be extracted (LTS).
  • Enable Custom Extract Commands - If you must apply custom commands to the data extractor on the host computer, select this option, and enter the command. While the extractor understands a small set of commands, this option is rarely used on recent installations.
  • Post Command - To run a command after the task finishes successfully, enter a command in the Post Command text box. For example, if you are generating log files, you can move the log files to an archive location after they are created. You run this command at the command line of the host operating system for the extractor. To run this command even if the task fails, select the check box.

    The default directory for the command is <Discover_install_directory>\DataExtractor.

    Note: Post commands run as separate tasks after the current task. These tasks can be tracked as scheduled tasks. For more information, see the HCL Discover Data Export for Data Analysis Administration Manual.
  • Active - Select the Active check box to enable the task to be run according to schedule.

Data Set field names and field definitions

This list contains the field names and field definitions for the Data Set tab:
  • Exclude Single Hit Sessions - Select this option to exclude sessions that are composed of a single request and a single response. These sessions are often not interesting to users.
  • Enable Custom Extract String - In the Portal, you can search for specific sessions. For example, you can search for specific values in fields in the session data.

    You can copy search criteria from the Portal and paste them into this field.

  • Custom Search String appears on same page - When enabled, matches of the custom search string and matches of the other search parameters for the task must appear on the same page to be displayed in the results. Searches configured with this option are limited to retrieving and extracting a maximum of 16,384 sessions.

Data Filter field names and field definitions

This list contains the field names and field definitions for the Data Filter tab:
  • App Data - Session can be filtered by [appdata] field name.
  • Cookies - Sessions can be filtered by the cookie name.
  • Event IDs - Sessions can be filtered by the Event ID.
  • HTTP Status Code - Sessions can be filtered by HTTP status code.
  • Session Attributes - Sessions can be filtered by session attributes.
  • URLs - Sessions can be filtered by URL.
  • URL Fields - Sessions can be filtered by URL field name.

Destination field names and field definitions

This list contains the field names and field definitions for the Destination tab:

Session Files fields:
  • Active - If this destination is the active one for this task, check Active.
  • PDF Directory - The directory for PDF files.
  • Merge Sessions - Select this option to assemble multiple session fragments into a single session.
  • Temp Directory - Specify the directory where the .LTS file is written before it is attached to the PDF.

Digital Signature field names and field definitions

This list contains the field names and field definitions for the Digital Signature tab:
  • Enabled - Select to include the specified digital signature in the PDF file.
  • Certificate Path - The location of the digital certificate.
  • Certificate Password - The password to access the digital certificate.

PDF Page field names and field definitions

This list contains the field names and field definitions for the PDF Page tab:
  • To include all fields, click Set All.
  • To include a field, select the check box next to its name.
  • To clear all fields, click Clear All.

Notification field names and field definitions

This list contains the field names and field definitions for the Notification tab:
  • To - Enter a comma-separated list of email addresses to receive updates on the task status.
  • Cc - Enter a comma-separated list of email addresses to receive a copy of updates on the task status.
  • Bcc - Enter a comma-separated list of email addresses to receive a blind copy update on the task status.