Collector dates

Displays the timestamps and the UTC ticks for recent collection history. This information is helpful to locate problems on the HCL Discover server.

Data Collector Service Start
Most recent start or restart of the Data Collector service
Last Data Collection Run
Most recent run executed by the Data Collector
Last Interval for Scorecards (SID=5/Day)
Most recent day for which scorecard data has been calculated
Last Interval for Scorecards (SID=4/Week)
Most recent week for which scorecard data has been calculated. Week is reported as the first day of the week.
Last Interval for Scorecards (SID=3/Month)
Most recent month for which scorecard data has been calculated. Month is reported as the first day of the month.
Last Update for Scorecards
Most recent update for scorecards in the Portal
Last Reporting Data Trim
Most recent trimming of the report data stored in the database
Most recent hourly aggregation ? last hour
The latest hour aggregated in the most recent aggregation run of hourly reporting data
Most recent daily aggregation ? first day
The earliest day aggregated in the most recent aggregation run of daily reporting data
Most recent daily aggregation ? last day
The latest day aggregated in the most recent aggregation run of daily reporting data
Most recent hourly aggregation ? first hour
The earliest hour aggregated in the most recent aggregation run of hourly reporting data
Last Hourly Anomaly Detection interval
Most recent hour of hourly Anomaly Detection data
Last Daily Anomaly Detection interval
Most recent day of daily Anomaly Detection data
Last Hourly Anomaly Detection calculation time
Most recent time that hourly Anomaly Detection were calculated
Last Daily Anomaly Detection calculation time
Most recent time that daily Anomaly Detection were calculated
Last Calendar Table Load
Most recent time when the calendar table was loaded. This run occurs once per day.
Last Canister Data Trim
Time of most recent data trimming operation on canister data tables in the reporting database
Last Time of Daily Aggregation
Most recent time that daily reporting data was aggregated
Last Time of Dimension Log Aggregation
Most recent time of dimension log aggregation. These log runs are used to populate potential values for dimensions.
Last Dimension Log Interval
The latest hour aggregated in the most recent dimension log aggregation run. These log runs are used to populate potential values for dimensions.
Last Time of Hourly Aggregation
Last time that hourly reporting data was aggregated
Most recent hourly performance aggregation ? first hour
The earliest hour aggregated in the most recent aggregation run of hourly performance data
Most recent hourly performance aggregation ? last hour
The latest hour aggregated in the most recent aggregation run of hourly performance data
Most recent daily performance aggregation ? first day
The earliest day aggregated in the most recent aggregation run of daily performance data
Most recent daily performance aggregation ? last day
The latest day aggregated in the most recent aggregation run of daily performance data
Last Time of Daily Performance Aggregation
Last time that daily performance data was aggregated
Last Time of Hourly Performance Aggregation
Last time that hourly performance data was aggregated
Minimum hour aggregated since last daily aggregation
Minimum hour interval of event data aggregated since the last successful aggregation of daily event data. Used for re-aggregation if aged data is captured.
Minimum hour aggregated since last daily performance aggregation
Minimum hour interval of event data aggregated since the last successful aggregation of daily performance data. Used for re-aggregation if aged data is captured.
Minimum hour aggregated since last hourly Anomaly Detection calculations
Minimum interval aggregated since the last successful calculation of hourly Anomaly Detection data. Used for re-calculating Anomaly Detection if aged data is captured.
Minimum hour aggregated since last daily Anomaly Detection calculations
Minimum interval aggregated since the last successful calculation of daily Anomaly Detection data. Used for re-calculating Anomaly Detection if aged data is captured.
Last Time of Dimension Value Tracking
Timestamp of when the dimension values were checked for most recent occurrence, which is used for dimension value trimming
Last Time of Dimension Trim
Timestamp of when dimensions were checked to see if values needed to be trimmed
  • See "Data Management for Dimensions" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.