Install Manage Services

Complete the following steps to install Manage Services.


  1. Specify Manage Services Master.
    • Use localhost or the machine name on master.
      • To acquire hostname, run hostname in console.
    • Use a DNS-resolvable name, preferably the machine name, of Manage Services master on slaves.
  2. Install and start Manage Services on Manage Services master first, if possible.
  3. Check event log DCMgmtSrv*.log for errors.
  4. Configuration files picked up by Manage Services are copied to <filename>.ORIG.
    • .ORIG file is overwritten if it exists.
  5. Manage Services datastore files are in Discover\System\DMSStore.
    • Manage Services Master has full data store.
    • Slave Manage Services servers keep a subset of the data store in the same local location.
    • See "Manage Services WorldView Tab" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.