Editing Pipeline Globals

Through the Pipeline Editor, you can edit global settings that apply to all pipelines on the selected server.

To edit the pipeline globals, select the topmost node and click Edit at the bottom of the left pane.

In the dialog, you can edit the following settings.

Table 1. StatusMaster:
Setting Description
Application Name The name of the application.
  • For Discover Event bus pipelines, set this value to DiscoverEventBus.
  • For processing pipelines, set this value to StatusMaster.
Table 2. Globals for Transport Service Pipelines:
Setting Description
Maintenance Interval The frequency in seconds that a maintenance scan is performed.
Max Data Size The maximum size in KB of any data accepted by the Discover Capture Socket Service. Packets larger than this value are ignored. By default, this value is set to 2048 kilobytes.
Note: This value should not be less than the values of any pipelines sending data, such as the HCL Discover Network Capture Application.
Max Memory Size The maximum size in KB reserved on the server for the Transport Service. When the amount of memory used by the process exceeds this value, the service is automatically restarted. By default, this value is set to 1900 kilobytes.
  • The minimum value is 1024 MB (1 GB).
  • If this value is set to 0, the minimum value is applied, and automatic restart of the service is disabled.
Max Restart Count The number of times that the pipeline is permitted to restart within the number of seconds defined for Restart Reset Interval.
  • If the pipeline restarts more times than this value within one Restart Reset Interval period, the pipeline shuts down and must be restarted manually.
Restart Interval The interval in seconds at which the pipeline checks to see if a restart is necessary.
Restart Reset Interval The period of time in seconds over which the pipeline can attempt restarts. If the pipeline restarts more than MaxRestart times during this period, it is shut down.
VM Free Disable Threshold The threshold percentage of free virtual memory below which the pipeline automatically shuts down.
  • To disable this check, set this value to 0.
VM Free Enable Threshold After a shutdown, the pipeline restarts when the percentage of free virtual memory exceeds this value.
  • This value should be greater than the value set for VM Free Disable Threshold, even if that value is set to 0.


Firewall settings only apply to Transport Service pipelines. For more information on these settings, see "Pipeline Configuration" in the Discover Configuration Manual.

Additional documentation on all settings is available in the DiscoverCaptureSocket.cfg file stored in the Discover install directory on the server.

  • See "Pipeline Configuration" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.