Using real-time page load logging information for session diagnostics

Being able to view page load details in real-time enhances your ability to recognize problems associated with a customer's session and leads to quicker problem resolution. Additionally, being able to view page load details in real-time can help you identify specific files that might be the cause of discrepancies in fidelity.

Before you begin

You must have Admin authorization in order to access a real-time view of the processing details.

Additionally, the logging service associated with the processing details requires specific port configurations.

About this task

Extending replay server logging (so that it displays in the processing window when sessions are loaded), improves your capability to address problems at the server level.

You can expand the Processing window when replaying a session so that it allows you to view logs that show what the Replay Server is doing and data related to the session.

To view the processing details for a customer's session:


  1. In the Portal, access the session that you want to analyze.
  2. Click the Replay icon.
  3. Select Browser to replay the session using Browser Based Replay.
  4. In the Processing window, expand the twistie that is displayed to the right of the Processing wheel.
    Note: The twistie displays only if you have Admin authorization.
    The Processing window expands, providing a real-time view of the logs from the rendering engine. The logs provide processing details associated with:
    • Loading of the session
    • Loading of each page
    • Other rendering-related logs
    Working with the Processing window:
    • You can move the Processing window to any location on your screen for optimal viewing.
    • After expanding the Processing window, you can make the window larger or smaller by using standard window sizing techniques.
    • Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars on the inner window to scroll through the content. You can also expand or collapse the inner window.
    • Use the twistie to collapse the Processing window.
  5. Optional: Click Page Load Details from the Processing Details window to view information about the page load.

    For information about the Page Load Detail window, see the HCL Discover Manuals.

  6. Optional: Click Save in the lower left corner of the expanded processing window.
    From the dialog, you can choose to :
    • Save the file to the default download directory on your computer for later viewing.
    • Open the file directly.

What to do next

For troubleshooting purposes, you can attach the saved .csv file to a support ticket.

Users with Admin authorization can select View > Page Hit Logs from the View menu. This option is helpful to administrators who might want to view the logs after a page load has completed or if the processing window has closed on its own.