Dimension constants

Depending on the number of values that are captured for a dimension and their data type, one of the following constants may be inserted for the dimension value in place of the captured value:

Note: All dimension constants are searchable except for [Null]. See "Searching Session Data" in the HCL Discover Manuals..
This constant is inserted as the dimension value if a null value is detected for the dimension. A null value occurs if the criteria for detecting the dimension value cannot be satisfied.
Note: The null value constant is not indexed for search. You cannot retrieve results when searching for this value. Where it appears in reports, drill-down to the underlying data is disabled.
Note: Advanced users may be able to record a separate value for null values for dimension constants. Using an ELSE clause in the definition that records the dimension value, you can store a specific value (for example, tlnull), which is then available for indexing and search. You can also drill down on these values to search for underlying sessions where they appear. However, non-default "null" values should be used carefully, as they can significantly increase the size of the indexes and reporting data for sparsely populated dimensions. See Discover EES tutorial.
This constant is inserted if the dimension value is empty. For example, if a dimension is created to detect the value of the address field, the [Empty] constant is inserted if the field is found yet it contains no value.
If a whitelist is used to define the values that are accepted for use in the dimension, the [Others] constant is inserted when any value that is not on the whitelist is detected for the dimension.
Dimensions can be configured to accept a defined number of values per hour. If the number of values that are captured within an hour exceeds this value, the [Limit] constant is inserted as the dimension value.