Defining the global limit

By default, the global limit for the number of values that can be stored in any individual dimension is 750,000 values. When dimension trimming occurs, each dimension is trimmed to contain no more than 750,000 values.

Depending on the volume of data that Discover is capturing, you may want to adjust this value for your available storage resources. Keep in mind that this setting is applied to all dimensions that Discover provides and that you define. The value that you define should be sufficiently high to effectively manage the highest volume dimensions in your environment.

Note: The global limit for number of values that are stored in a dimension should be defined such that few dimensions ever reach it. A dimension that is continuously being trimmed needs to be managed through a whitelist.

For more information, see the Dimension Trimming = # of Most Recent Values to Keep setting. See "Settings" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.