Connection type dimension

For each request made to the web application, Discover monitors using timestamps the connection speed between the web server and the client requesting the content. By dividing the size of the response by the time it took to deliver, Discover calculates a value for the connection speed.

Note: This dimension must be associated with a report group and the report group that is associated with an event before data is captured for it.

This value is then bucketed into one of the following designations, the value for which is assigned as the dimension value for the hit.

  • Dialup
  • ISDN
  • DSL
  • T1

When data is collected for this dimension, the associated event data can be broken out by the type of connection, which may be useful in diagnosing networking issues and generating usage statistics that are based on your visitors' Internet connections.

This data appears in a performance report that is provided by Discover.

  • For more information about the computations, see "Performance Measurement" in the HCL Discover Network Capture Application Manual.