New / Edit

This section explains how to add and edit details for new users.

To create a new user, click New. To edit an existing one, select the user, and click Edit.

Some user properties can be set to Primary Group Default, which sets the user property to the value defined for the group specified as the user's Primary User Group.

If this box is deselected, the user cannot login or receive emails.
This system-generated number is used internally to identify the account.
The login name for the user.
Note: Discover recommends using only alphanumeric characters when specifying names used by the Portal application. Some non-alphanumeric characters may be blocked or may cause issues for some Discover components.
NT Username
If NT authentication is in use, this value is the NT/AD user name for the user.
NT Domain
If NT authentication is in use, this value is the NT/AD domain for the user.
Enter a valid email address for delivery of results set analysis, scheduled dashboards, alerts, and other Discover content.
Time Zone (used in Search)
Hourly report values are displayed in the user's timezone, but the daily rollup of reporting data is controlled by the system timezone. It is best to set this value to the same as the system timezone to avoid confusion.
System Locale
Select the preferred system locale setting to configure the Discover Portal to use the regional locale settings for the user. The system locale setting defines how currency, numeric values, date, and time are formatted are displayed.

This setting defaults to the Primary Group Default at the user level. The administrator can manage this setting by selecting a system locale for each user group.

Date Format
Select the format, such as mm/dd/yyyy, from the list. The Date Format setting defaults to the Primary Group Default date. The Primary Group Default uses the selected date format setting that is assigned to the user group. If you want to specify a custom system locale for a user, you can configure the System Locale setting then, select Use system locale for the date format. If you want to use a date format that is unrelated to the system locale setting, you can select a custom date format from the list.
The language the Portal should display for the user.
Password Expires
The number of days after which the Portal does not permit a user from continuing after login until the user configured a new password.
Start Page
The list of available start pages depends on the user's group and menu permissions.
Portal Navigation Menu
Enables or disables the user's ability to see the top navigation menu in the Portal.
Log User Out If Idle
When enabled, the user is logged out if the session is idle for a period longer than the session timeout length.
  • You can change the timeout length through Report configuration. See "Configuring the Report Server" in the Unica Discover Configuration Manual.
Allow Report Template Import
When enabled, the user is permitted to import report templates. When set to Primary Group Default, the user inherits the default setting for the primary group.
  • All users can export report templates regardless of this setting.
Create Session Segment for Completed Session Search
By default, every search the user performs on completed sessions creates a session segment that remains available for 24 hours.
Lock Replay Mode
Enables or disables the user's ability to change his or her Replay Mode.
Replay Mode
The following values are available:
  • Event Based - Replay event-based sessions inside the browser.
  • Advanced - Replay sessions inside the browser.
  • Prompt on Replay - Open a dialog for every replay.
Dashboard Detail Mode
Display drill-down information in the same browser window or display it in a new one.
Default Active Search Template
The default search template to load when the user chooses to search for active sessions.
Default Completed Search Template
The default search template to load when the user chooses to search for completed sessions.
Default All Sessions Search Template
The default search template to load when the user chooses to search for all sessions.
Search Box for Online Help
Enable or disable the Online Help search box available at the top of each Portal page.
Manage Services Access Level
Determine the Manage Services Access Level for the user. You can choose from full access or restricted access.
Open BBR In A New Window
When enabled, Browser Based Replay sessions are displayed in a new browser window.
Primary User Group
The primary group to use for group level settings.
Member Of
Lists all groups of which the user is currently a member.

To apply changes, click Save.