Creating UserSupplement.csv

By default, a version of UserSupplement.csv is not provided with your installation. If you need to create a version of UserSupplement.csv, complete the following steps.


  1. Log in to one of the Processing Servers (Canisters) as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to this directory:
  3. Create a copy of usercap.csv.
  4. Rename the copied file: UserSupplement.csv.
  5. Edit the file in Microsoft Excel.
  6. Remove all data lines in the file so that only the header remains.
  7. Use UserAgentRevealer.exe to add your entries to the file. See Reviewing configuration information.
  8. Save the file and store it in the same directory.
  9. Copy this file to all Canisters that process hits.
  10. Restart the Transport Service on each Canister.