A HCL Universal Orchestrator business scenario

Choosing a cloud-native workload orchestration product can improve your business in an e-commerce marketplace.

AutomatedBargain.com is an e-commerce marketplace well known in the market for its low pricing strategy and the capability to deliver its services extremely quickly.

The primary customers of AutomatedBargain.com are fashion retailers and quantity on their operations on the marketplace is usually irregular, because of seasonal sales and random flash sales that cause many different ordering levels in stock requests and orders. Moreover, AutomatedBargain.com wants to increase its portfolio by acquiring new customers in other retail sectors.

To maintain its competitive advantage, the company embraced digital transformation, basing all the processes on cloud infrastructures. The new cloud-based system enables AutomatedBargain.com to leverage scalable and always-on resources, staying one step ahead of competitors.

The automation of all processes must remain flexible and dynamically adaptable in a cloud native environment, and the orchestration of such processes is crucial for AutomatedBargain.com to ensure an edge over competitors and market share growth.

HCL Universal Orchestrator is the solution to the needs of AutomatedBargain.com. In fact, the company can create a process that scans the cloud inventory level of goods. HCL Universal Orchestrator can do an in-place evaluation of the JSON outcome of the process, triggering a new purchase process that seeks for the lowest price vendor and places the order if the stock level quantity is below a defined threshold.

Figure 1 - HCL Universal Orchestrator automation flow chart

HCL Universal Orchestrator creates the entire workflow without having to develop custom scripts or adding intermediate elaboration steps, implementing a true low-code-no-code approach.

Using HCL Universal Orchestrator, AutomatedBargain.com can also plan the delivery process by policy, meaning that if the volume of the orders increases unexpectedly, the frequency of execution of the regularly scheduled process can be increased dynamically at runtime, without the need to wait for a plan update to implement the change.

Figure 2 - HCL Universal Orchestrator automation flow chart

By using HCL Universal Orchestrator, the company reacts faster than competitors, which reduces the costs and thereby maintains the item prices of the items as low as possible. AutomatedBargain.com offers excellent service to its customers.