Jobs issues

This topic describes how to recover your environment if jobs issues occur.

You may encounter jobs issues while using HCL Universal Orchestrator. In this topic you can find the main problems and the related solutions.
Jobs remain in READY status

If a job remains in READY status and does not start, the reason is that the workstation is offline or stopped. When the workstation is online again, the job starts automatically.

Jobs do not appear in the plan
If a job does not appear in the plan, there are different possible reasons:
The instance of the job has not been created yet in the current plan
Save the job stream definition again.
The future instance did not activate
Save the job stream definition again.
The active-window policy value is too short
If the active-window value is too short, you can set another value for the policy inside the values.yaml file:
For more information, see HCL Universal Orchestrator policy-driven plan.
The active-window.extension policy value is too large
If the active-window.extension value is too large, you can set another value for the policy inside the values.yaml file:
For more information, see HCL Universal Orchestrator policy-driven plan.