Dynamic Workload Console overview

The Dynamic Workload Console is a graphic interface that gives you full control over your environment and your workflow. It is divided in three main areas:
  • Administration
  • Design
  • Monitoring
The administration section of the Dynamic Workload Console is reserved to users and roles that have administrator privileges. In this section you can:
Manage engines
In this page you can add new engine connections and manage existing ones.
Manage workload security
In this page you can perform various actions that define the security on an engine, including giving users and roles access to specific folders and creating folder specific access control lists to better manage accesses.
Auditing preferences
In this page you can define auditing preferences for your engine connections. You can enforce policies that ask for specific justifications when items are changed, and create justification categories to classify changes made in the workload environment.
Manage settings
In this page you can import or export your Dynamic Workload Console settings.
Manage roles
In this page you can add new roles to your workload environment and manage existing ones.
In this section you can design and automate your business processes.
Workload Designer
The Workload Designer is divided into two main panels:
Explore area
In this panel you can keep track of all the different items of your workload. You can look at the overall big picture or search for specific items.
Workspace area
In this panel you can create new scheduling items to define your workflow or edit existing ones to adapt your workflow to your needs.
In this section you can monitor your workflow. You can search for every item and control the dependencies between them with a powerful query system. You can save your custom queries and reuse them whenever you need to. You can also monitor your workflow by folder with the Tree view system.

To learn how to configure and customize your Dynamic Workload Console see Getting started with the Dynamic Workload Console.