Configuring common launchers properties [Launchers]

About this task

In the JobManager.ini file, the section containing the properties common to the different launchers (or executors) is named:
The following properties are available:
The installation path of the HCL Workload Automation agent. Do not modify this value.
Indicates the maximum number of commands that can be run on the agent concurrently. Limits to the number of jobs vary depending on the resources of your workstation, however consider that operations on comdhandler are usually short. The default is 20. Usually, there is no need to modify this setting, even if you plan a very high workload on the agent. You might want to change it if many commands are run concurrently on the agent, for example, many concurrent requests to retrieve job logs.
Indicates the maximum number of commands that can be run on the agent concurrently. Limits to the number of jobs vary depending on the resources of your workstation, however consider that operations on comdhandler are usually short. The default is 100. Usually, there is no need to modify this setting, even if you plan a very high workload on the agent. You might want to change it if many commands are run concurrently on the agent, for example, many concurrent requests to retrieve job logs.
The polling interval in seconds used to verify if the agent process is still up and running. If the agent process is inactive the product stops also the JobManager process. The default is 30. Modify only if you use dynamic pools with CPU-based requirements or optimization policies. With a lower value, the agent reacts quickly to CPU modifications, but this might cause unstable values in case of CPU spikes. Lower values causes a higher use of resources on the agent.
The access rights assigned to the agent for creating directories when running jobs. The default is 0755. Supported values are UNIX-format entries in hexadecimal notation.
The name of the directory where the fix pack installation package or upgrade eImage for dynamic agents is downloaded during the centralized agent update process. If not specified, the following default directory is used:
On Windows operating systems:
On UNIX operating systems:
Specifies the maximum number of jobs the dynamic agent can run concurrently. For example, to allow the dynamic agent to run a maximum of 500 jobs concurrently, set this parameter to 500. The default is 400.
Specifies the minimum number of jobs the dynamic agent can run concurrently. For example, to allow the dynamic agent to run a minimum of 500 jobs concurrently, set this parameter to 500. The default is 38. Modify if the number of expected concurrent jobs is much higher than 38. The agent dynamically allocates more threads if necessary, until it reaches the value specified in ExecutorsMaxThreads.
The access rights assigned to the agent for creating files when running jobs. The default is 0755. Supported values are UNIX-format entries in hexadecimal notation.
The number of days that job logs are kept (in path TWA_home/TWS/stdlidst/JM) before being deleted. The default is 30. Possible values range from a minimum of 1 day.
Notifier threads are in charge of notifying the dynamic workload broker of each status change in a job. This parameter specifies the maximum number of job status changes that can be notified to the dynamic workload broker.
Notifier threads are in charge of notifying the dynamic workload broker of each status change in a job. This parameter specifies the minimum number of job status changes that can be notified to the dynamic workload broker. The default value is 3. Modify this parameters only in case of unexpected errors and after consulting with software support team.
The path to the folder containing the jobstore and outputs. The default is:
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems
The size of the operating system stack in bytes. The default is DEFAULT, meaning that the agent uses the default value for the operating system. Do not modify this parameter unless instructed to do so by the software support team. Incorrect values can cause the agent to crash.