Job context structure

Provides a list and explanation of all fields in the job context structure.

When a job runs, it generates a certain amount of information, which is stored in JSON format and is available for querying and manipulating with JSONata.

This topic provides a list and an explanation of all supported fields in the job context structure.
Field name Explanation Notes
RC Job return code. Present only if the job has completed.
var Variables defined in the job stream. If a job can retrieve variables from several resources, the following hierarchy applies:
  1. Parameters used in submit action
  2. Variables defined in the variable table used in submit action
  3. Variables defined on the job workstation
  4. Variables defined in run cycles
  5. Variables defined in the job stream definition
js Job stream data
js.key The full job stream key, consisting of submission time and job stream ID
js.start The earliest time a job stream can be launched.
js.actualStart The time the job stream actually started.
js.latestStart The latest time a job stream can be launched.
js.deadline The time within which a job stream should complete.
js.defId Job stream definition ID
js.wksId Job stream workstation ID Job stream folder and base name
js.schedTime Job stream scheduled time Job stream ID
js.wks Job stream workstation name and folder
jobs Jobs data
jobs.job_name.wa.key The full job key, consisting of submission time and job stream ID
jobs.job_name.wa.start The earliest time a job can be launched.
jobs.job_name.wa.actualStart The time the job actually started.
jobs.job_name.wa.latestStart The latest time a job can be launched.
jobs.job_name.wa.deadline The time within which a job should complete.
jobs.job_name.wa.runId The ID the job after it is submitted
jobs.job_name.jobDef Job definition name and folder
jobs.job_name.wksId Job workstation ID
jobs.job_name.wa.logon Job logon user Job base name
jobs.job_name.rerunNum Job rerun number (if any)
jobs.job_name.wa.RC Job return code Job ID
jobs.job_name.wa.jobDefId Job definition ID
jobs.job_name.wa.wks Job workstation
...output properties
... output conditions In case of conflict, output conditions are overridden by output properties
You can specify the job context formatting as follows:
Text format. This is the default value.
JSON format
YAML format
For example, to print the whole job context in JSON format, use the following notation:
Note: Special characters, such as - + * / %, must be enclosed in single or double quotes so that they can be parsed correctly. Consider the following examples:
The following is an example of the empty job context structure:
    var: {
        key:val... },
      "js" : {
       "defId" : "",
       "wksId" : "",
       "name" : "",
       "schedTime" : "",
       "id" : "",
       "wks" : ""
  "jobs" : {
   "job_name" : {
    "wa" : {
     "jobDef" : "",
     "wksId" : "",
     "logon" : "",
     "name" : "",
     "rerunNum" : ,
     "id" : "",
     "jobDefId" : "",
     "wks" : ""

         ... output properties
         ... output conditions 
For an example populated with data from several jobs, see Job context structure example.