Job qualifiers

You can use job qualifiers to select multiple jobs that fall under specific conditions which you can customize.

Job qualifiers are attributes of jobs and you can use the + or ~ symbol to include or exclude a specific set of jobs. If the job qualifier is prefixed with +, then all jobs with that specific attribute are selected and if the job qualifier is prefixed ~, then all jobs with that specific attribute are excluded. The attributes that you can use as a job qualifier are described below.


at [time | lowtime, | ,hightime | lowtime,hightime]

You can add this option to select or exclude the jobs that are defined with at keyword. You can specify the time as, hhmm[+n days | date] [timezone|tz tzname] where,
  • hhmm: Specifies the time in hours and minute.
  • +n days: Specifies the next occurrence of the job in terms of days.
  • date: Specifies the next occurrence of the job in terms of mm/dd/[yy].
  • timezone|tz tzname: Specifies the time zone. For more information, see Managing time zones.

lowtime,: You can specify the lower limit of a time range and in this scenario the upper limit is considered as 12:00 PM. All the jobs that are scheduled to start within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

,hightime: You can specify the upper limit of a time range and in this scenario the lower limit is considered as 12:00 AM. All the jobs that are scheduled to start within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

lowtime,hightime: You can specify both the upper and lower limits of a time range. All the jobs that are scheduled to start within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.
Important: If you want to select jobs that will start at a specific time, add the time in hhmm format without the comma (,).

If you add at without any of these parameters, all the jobs that are defined with the at keyword are selected.


confirmed: If you add this option, all the jobs that are scheduled with the confirm keyword are selected.


deadline [time | lowtime, | ,hightime | lowtime,hightime]

You can add this option to select or exclude jobs that are defined with deadline keyword. You can specify the time as, hhmm[+n days | date] [timezone|tz tzname] where,
  • hhmm: Specifies the time in hours and minute.
  • +n days: Specifies the next occurrence of the job in terms of days.
  • date: Specifies the next occurrence of the job in terms of mm/dd/[yy].
  • timezone|tz tzname: Specifies the time zone. For more information, see Managing time zones.

lowtime,: You can specify the lower limit of a time range and in this scenario the upper limit is considered as 12:00 PM. All the jobs with a deadline within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

,hightime: You can specify the upper limit of a time range and in this scenario the lower limit is considered as 12:00 AM. All the jobs with a deadline within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

lowtime,hightime: You can specify both the upper limit and lower limit of a time range. All the jobs which are completed within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.
Important: If you want to select jobs that have a specific deadline, add the time in hhmm without the comma (,).

If you add deadline without any of these parameters, all the jobs that are defined with the deadline keyword are selected.


every [rate | lowrate, | ,highrate | lowrate,highrate]

You can add this option to select or exclude jobs that are defined with every keyword. The keyword is used to define the repetition rate for a job. You can specify the rate in hhmm format.

lowrate,: You can specify a value for the repetition rate in hhmm format. All the jobs with a repetition rate, equals to and above that specified rate are selected.

,highrate: You can specify a value for the repetition rate in hhmm format. All the jobs with a repetition rate, equals to and below that specified rate are selected.

lowrate,highrate: You can specify a value for the repetition rate in hhmm format. All the jobs with a repetition rate within this range are selected.

If you add every without any of these parameters, all the jobs that are defined with the every keyword are selected.


started [time | lowtime, | ,hightime | lowtime,hightime]

You can add this option to select or exclude jobs that have already started. You can specify the time as, hhmm[date] [timezone|tz tzname] where,
  • hhmm: Specifies the time in hours and minute.
  • date: Specifies the next occurrence of the job in terms of mm/dd/[yy].
  • timezone|tz tzname: Specifies the time zone. For more information, see Managing time zones.

lowtime,: You can specify the lower limit of a time range and in this scenario the upper limit is considered as 12:00 PM. All the jobs that have started within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

,hightime: You can specify the upper limit of a time range and in this scenario the lower limit is considered as 12:00 AM. All the jobs that have started within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

lowtime,hightime: You can specify both the upper limit and lower limit of a time range. All the jobs that have started within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

If you add started without any of these parameters, all the jobs that have started are selected.


State state [,..]]

You can select or exclude jobs based on the status. The valid statuses are given below.
    The job ended abnormally.
    The ABEND confirmation is received but the job is not completed.
  • DONE
    The job is completed with an unknown status.
  • EXEC
    The selected job is running.
  • FAIL
    An error prevented the job from starting.
  • HOLD
    The job stream is waiting for the dependency to be resolved.
    The job will launch at any moment.
  • PEND
    The job is completed and waiting for confirmation.
    All dependencies are resolved, and the job stream is ready to start.
  • SUCC
    The job is completed successfully.
    The job is not completed, but the confirmation is received.
    The job is suppressed because the related conditional dependencies of the predecessors are unresolved.
  • WAIT
    The job is in waiting.


until [time | lowtime, | ,hightime | lowtime,hightime

You can add this option to select or exclude jobs that are defined with until keyword, which is the scheduled end time for a job. You can specify the until time as, hhmm[+n days | date] [timezone|tz tzname] where,
  • hhmm: Specifies the time in hours and minute.
  • +n days: Specifies the next occurrence of the job in terms of days.
  • date: Specifies the next occurrence of the job in terms of mm/dd/[yy].
  • timezone|tz tzname: Specifies the time zone. For more information, see Managing time zones.

lowtime,: You can specify the lower limit of a time range and in this scenario the upper limit is considered as 12:00 PM. All the jobs that are scheduled to end within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

,hightime: You can specify the upper limit of a time range and in this scenario the lower limit is considered as 12:00 AM. All the jobs that are scheduled to end within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.

lowtime,hightime: You can specify both the upper limit and lower limit of a time range. All the jobs that are scheduled to end within this time range is selected. The time limit must be specified in hhmm format.
Important: If you want to select jobs that are scheduled to end at a specific time, add the time in hhmmformat without the comma (,).

If you add until without any of these parameters, all the jobs that are defined with the until keyword are selected.