Managing a job in job stream from the Orchestration CLI

In this topic you can find the syntax to add a job to a job stream definition.

In a HCL Universal Orchestrator distributed environment, jobs can be defined either independently from job streams or within a job stream definition.

Note: Because a job in a job stream is identified only by its name, jobs with the same name require an alias even if their definitions have different workstations or folders.


You can use the following syntax for the job statement:

# comment job_name [as job_alias] [outcond joboutputcondition interval seconds] [{at time [timezone|tz tzname] [+n day[s]] | schedtime time [timezone|tz tzname] [+n day[s]]}] [until time [timezone|tz tzname] [+n day[s]] [onuntil action] [deadline time [timezone|tz tzname] [+n day[s]] [onlate action] ] [maxdur time | onmaxdur action] [mindur time | onmindur action] [follows {[workstation#]jobstreamname{.jobname @} [previous| sameday|relative from [+|-] time to [+|-] time | from time [+|-n day[s]] to time [+|-n day[s]] ]} ][if <condition> [| <condition>...]] [,...]] [...] [join condition_name [number | numconditions | all] of description "..." ..... endjoin] [confirmed]   [nop]

Note: The job_name can either refer to an existing job or to a new one:
  • To add a job already defined in the database, use the following syntax: [[folder/]workstation#][folder/]jobname.
  • To add a new job that does not exist in the database, define it using the same syntax of the job definition: Job definition syntax.

You can edit job definitions from a job stream definition; any change is also applied to the job definitions stored in the database. For example, if you edit the job definition of job_a in the js_a job stream definition, and job_a is also used in the js_b job stream, the definition of job_a in js_b changes accordingly.


The following List of scheduling keywords table contains a brief description of the job in job stream definition keywords.

Table 1. List of scheduling keywords
Keyword Description
at Using this keyword, you can define the earliest time in which jobs can run. When you define it in a run cycle, the keyword specifies the earliest time jobs can run for that specific run cycle. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords
comment Using this keyword, you can include comments in the definition of a job. The line must begin with a number sign (#). In a job definition, comments can be added immediately after the line with the schedule keyword.
deadline Using this keyword, you can specify the time within which jobs should complete. When you define it in a run cycle, the keyword specifies the time within which a job should complete in that specific run cycle. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords.
description Using this keyword, you can add a description of the job.

The content must be enclosed within double quotation marks. To use quotation marks ("), place a backslash (\) before.

folder|fol Using this keyword, you can specify the item folder.
follows Using this keyword, the job runs only after the predecessor jobs have successfully completed, or one or more output conditions have been satisfied. For more information, see: Dependency keywords.
join Using this keyword, you can define sets of conditional dependencies job.Dependency keywords.
maxdur Using this keyword, you can specify the maximum length of time a job can run. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords.
mindur Using this keyword, you can specify the minimum expected time for the job to complete. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords.
nop Using this keyword, you can specify that the job must not run when the plan runs. For more information, see: nop
onlate Using this keyword, you can define the action to take on a job in the job stream when the deadline of the job has expired. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords.
onuntil When the until time has been reached, you can use this keyword to define the action to take on the job. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords.
schedtime Using this keyword, you can specify the time of the job stream in the plan to determine predecessors and successors. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords.
timezone | tz Using this keyword, you can specify the time zone to use for the start time. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords.
until Using this keyword, you can define the latest start time of a job. If you specify it in a run cycle, it defines the latest start time for a job for that specific run cycle. It is mutually exclusive with the jsuntil keyword. For more information, see:Time restriction keywords.

For the other keywords refer to Managing a job definition from the Orchestration CLI.


When you define a job in a job stream definition, the new job definition is added to the database, and then it can be referenced from other job streams.

Note: It is important to correctly type the keywords, otherwise they are considered as the job name of a new job definition and it can cause errors during the creation process.

When you change the name of a job defined in a job stream version, the new name is applied in all the other versions of the job stream. Internal and external job stream associations remain consistent when you apply changes. For more information about job stream versions, see: Creating a job stream definition from the Orchestration CLI

Note: The plan does not run the jobs that are scheduled to run on workstations that are marked as ignored, even if they are added to it because the job stream that contains them is scheduled to run on an active workstation.
  • The following example defines a job stream that contains an executable job:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:jsdl="" xmlns:jsdle="">
        <jsdl:application name="executable">
        <jsdle:executable interactive="false">
      DESCRIPTION "Sample jsdl Job Definition"
    After saving, the definition is displayed as follows:
    ES 2 (JobStream con Job già esistenti e definiti)
    schedule WS_AGT_1#JSWJ:
        follows WS_AGT_0#job1
  • The following job stream definition contains already existing and defined jobs:
    schedule WS_AGT_1#JSWJ:
        follows WS_AGT_0#job1
    After saving, the definition is displayed as follows:
        FOLLOWS JOB1