Proprietary functions for JSONata

Full list and description of proprietary HCL Universal Orchestrator functions available for using with JSONata.

In addition to the rich complement of built-in operators and functions provided by JSONata for manipulating and combining extracted data, HCL Universal Orchestrator provides the following proprietary functions.

Table 1. Proprietary functions for JSONata
Name Description Example Example result
File path management
$file_basename([<path>]) Strips directory from file name $file_basename('/dir1/this_file') this_file
$file_dirname([<path>]) Strips last component from file name $file_dirname('/dir1/this_file') /dir1
$file_towin([<path>]) Converts the file path to Windows format $file_towin('/dir1/this_file') \dir1\this_file
$file_tounix([<path>]) Converts the file path to UNIX format $file_tounix('\dir1\this_file') /dir1/this_file

Date and Time evaluation

$time_today() Today at current time in ISO-zoned date and time format $time_today()
$time_tomorrow() Tomorrow at current time in ISO zoned date and time format $time_tomorrow()
$time_dow([<dayOfWeek>]) The next instance of the context or given day of week, including today, at current time in ISO-zoned date and time format $time_dow('mon')
$time_atNoon([<dateTime>]) Change the context or given date and time setting the time to noon $time_atNoon('2022-04-01')

Change the context or given date and time setting the time to midnight

$time_atMidnight('2022-04-01') 2022-04-01T00:00:00+02:00[Europe/Rome]
$time_atNow([<dateTime>]) Change the context or given date and time setting the time to current time $time_atNow('2022-04-01') 2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]
$time_atTime([<dateTime>,] <time>) Change the context or given date and time setting the given time $time_atTime('2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]','15:46:59.678') 2022-04-01T15:46:59.678+02:00[Europe/Rome]
$time_parsePic([<dateTime>,] [<pattern>,] [<locale>]) Parse date and time with custom pattern using datecalc command line syntax, the result is in ISO zoned date and time format $time_parsePic('2022 04 01 12:21','yyyy^mm^dd^hh:tt') 2022-04-01T12:21:00
$time_parse([<dateTime>,] [<pattern>,] [<locale>])

Parse date and time with custom pattern using Java DateTimeFormatter syntax, the result is in ISO zoned date and time format

$time_parse('12:21:00 PM Central European Summer Time','en-US') 12:21:00[Europe/Paris]
$time_setZone([<dateTime>,] <zoneId>)

Apply the given time zone to the context or given date and time maintaining the local time, the output is in ISO zoned date and time format

$time_setZone('2022-04-01','Europe/Rome') 2022-04-01T00:00:00+02:00[Europe/Rome]
$time_atZone([<dateTime>,] <zoneId>)

Apply the given time zone to the context or given date and time maintaining the instant, the output is in ISO zoned date and time format

$time_atZone('2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]','America/New_York') 2022-04-01T10:30:10.123-04:00[America/New_York]
$time_pic([<dateTime>,] <format>) Format date and time with custom pattern using datecalc command line syntax $time_pic('2022-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd/jjj^hh:tt') 2022-04-01/092 00:00
$time_format([<dateTime>,] <format>)

Format date and time with custom pattern using Java DateTimeFormatter syntax

$time_format('2022-04-01','yyyy-MM-dd/D HH:mm') 2022-04-01/92 00:00

Format time as ISO local time

$time_local('2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]') 2022-04-01T16:30:10.123

Format date as ISO local date

$time_localDate('2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]') 2022-04-01

Format date and time as ISO local time

$time_localTime('2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]') 16:30:10.123

Format date and time as ISO zoned date and time

$time_zoned($time_today()) 2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]

Format date and time as ISO offset date and time

$time_offset('2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]') 2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00

Format date and time as ISO instant

$time_instant('2022-04-01T16:30:10.123+02:00[Europe/Rome]') 2022-04-01T14:30:10.123Z
$time_datecalc([<dateTime>,] <offsetExpr>)

Applies date expressions to the context or to a given date and time, returns dates and times in ISO time zone format.

For more information about the datecalc function, see Manipulating date and time with the datecalc function.
$time_datecalc('2022-04-01','+ nearest mo +1 day') 2022-04-07T00:00:00+02:00[Europe/Rome]
Context and external data
$wa_jobprops(<jobStreamName>, <jobName>, [<schedTime>])

Loads the output properties of the specified job

$wa_jobprops('js1','job1','2022-04-01') {'ia':2022-04-01,'name':'John Paul'}
$wa_vartable(<variableTable>) Loads the specified variable table
  • $wa_vartable('VAR_NAME')
  • $wa_vartable('VAR_NAME').VAR1
  • {'VAR1':'value1', 'VAR2':'value2'}
  • value1

Return the context from the path inside _this field

$this() JOB_NAME