AzureEvents plug-in structure

Configuring a AzureEvents event source
A ServiceBusQueue event source that receives AzureEvents type events can be configured in the following way:
  • Type: string
  • Multiple filters
  • Single predicate
The Service Bus Shared Access Signature token used to connect to the Service Bus Queue you want to receive events from.
  • Type: string
  • Multiple filters
  • Required*
  • Single predicate
The namespace of the queue you want to receive events from.
Note: While neither the connectionString or namespace values are individually required, you need to provide at least one of them.
  • Type: string
  • Multiple filters
  • Required
  • Single predicate
The name of the Service Bus Queue you want to receive events from.
The following is an example of a generic type event source configured to receive AzureEvents type events:

DESCRIPTION "Azure testing"
PLUGIN AzureEvents
TYPE ServiceBusQueueEvent

      "connectionString": "connectionStringvalue",
      "namespace": "namespacevalue",
      "queueName": "queueNamevalue",

Azure event condition
AzureEvents type event conditions can be configured in job streams specifying the following required properties:
  • Name
  • Type
  • Event source
You can also specify any number of porperties that filter the events received from the event source:
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message body to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message content type to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message partition key to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message ID to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message subject to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message correlation ID to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message to property value to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message custom properties to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message reply to property value to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message enqueued sequence number to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the time when the ServiceBusQueue message expires to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message time to live duration to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message state to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the date and time when the ServiceBusQueue message is enqueued to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
  • Type: string
  • Operator: EQ("=") or NE("!=")
  • Single predicate
  • Wildcard allowed
Specify the ServiceBusQueue message sequence number to enable filtering of events that either match or do not match the specified input.
The following is an example of a job stream with two Azure event conditions:
    NAME attributes  TYPE plugin/Azure    SOURCE MY_EVENT_SOURCE FILTERS ATTRIBUTES = attributesvalue
    NAME timestamp   TYPE plugin/Azure    SOURCE MY_EVENT_SOURCE FILTERS TIMESTAMP = timestampvalue