Managing a workstation definition from the Dynamic Workload Console

This topic shows how to create a workstation definition.

About this task

The purpose of the following scenario is to show how to create a workstation in the context of an example.

The scope of this scenario is to create a workstation named NEWYORK1 and set the time zone as America/New_York - Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5:00).


  1. From the Design menu, click Workload Designer page.
  2. In the Explore area, click Create new + and select Workstation. Or, In the Workspace area, click Create new + and select Workstation.
  3. In the Choose workstation page, select Pool.
  4. In the General Info page enter the following details:
    1. In the Folder field, select the required folder.
    2. In the Name field, type the name of the workstation as NEWYORK1.
    3. In the Operating system field, select the required OS.
    4. In the Time zone field, select the time zone America/New_York - Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5:00).
    5. If the job is not yet started selecting the Ignore during plan generation ignores the workstation and suppresses the jobs submitted in the workstation.
    6. In the Variable table field, search and select the required variable table.
    7. In the MEMBERS section, search and select the required member, the selected member appears in the Name field. You can add multiple members.
  5. Save the workstation.


You have created a workstation and set its related time zone. You can also edit the details when required.