Previous releases

Release v8.4

Here are the key highlights of this 8.4 release.

Conversational Designer
  • Included new nodes for agent transfer, sending emails and scripting custom code.
    • Agent transfer allows connecting the user and available agent based on agent availability and Geo position.
    • Email node sends appropriate emails to right stakeholders during the execution of any flow.
    • Script Node to write simple script and execute certain actions during the unlikely scenarios of not being able to design parts of the flows using the available action nodes.
  • Capability to configure API calls (using HTTP node), forms (using Form node), scripts (using Script node) and flows as templates to be reused multiple times across flows within a project.
  • Buttons of box selector and carousel nodes can now be used to open configured URLs, along with the execution of the subsequent flows.
  • New disable text box button is included in nodes like Carousel.
  • Configure and execute customized flows for unanswered intent scenario.
Agent Cockpit
  • In the Agent Cockpit, a new knowledge base tab is integrated to view the knowledge base articles. These results will be populated based on the queried issue.
SKU based Accounts
  • Now, new accounts are controlled through SKU based licenses, which restricts the user from accessing non titled features. SKU based license limits user access only to the entitled features that are defined in the license. Super admin of the account can limit the access to settings and feature pages through user roles.
Knowledge Mining
  • Option to retrain failed or existing entire set of documents and URLs.
Cognitive Search
  • Added a page for synonyms and acronyms, allowing for relevant results to be retrieved from cognitive search when searching for synonym or acronym.
  • New analytics driven dashboard representing the user, conversation and feedback metrics and trends.
  • Categorization of conversations with insights across answered and unanswered messages.
  • Capabilities to deep dive and analyze the unanswered messages and negative feedback.
  • Added a ticket insights page to frequently update tickets with recommended solutions, related issues and related documents.
  • Added the Cognitive Flow Management page to configure the Cognitive Search on Chatbot.
  • Similarly, added the agent transfer page to configure:
    • agents for live agent handover
    • messages to be shown to end users and agents
    • the user and session information to be sent to agents, along with the chat transfer request
    • actions to be taken to handle scenarios when agent handover is not possible

Known Issues

Feature Issue
Cognitive Search
  • Repeated characters like SSSSeeetttingsss, can be found in search results of the PDF file containing security implementation. As the PDF file block copying the content and produces duplicated text, Cognitive search cant parse the PDF data properly.
  • In rare scenarios, the included keywords in the search query might be ignored in the cognitive search results, resulting in unexpected search results.
  • In the cognitive search result, the expected result of a query might be listed with a lower relevancy or appearing as the last result.

Release v8.3

Here are the key highlights of this 8.3 release.

Conversational Designer
  • Conversational designer allows designing and building flow faster. Build conversation dialogues and other automated workflows just by dragging and dropping action nodes in the designer space. Easily configure the triggers to initiate the above flows. Currently, in conversation designer, the available nodes are Text, Text Prompt, Box Selector, Carousel, Confirm, HTTP, Expr, Media and Forms. For more information about nodes, refer Available Nodes. For more information about nodes, refer Available Nodes.
Personalized Chat Window
  • Included a section to configure the theme of the virtual agent depending on the channel where it is deployed.
  • Configure the virtual agent image/icon and the background and font color of its header, canvas, and footer sections.
  • Completely customize the menu bar (for commonly performed actions to be readily available) – image, title, text color and the action to be performed ow to be triggered/URL.
Enhanced Web-crawlers
  • Enhanced web-crawler to extract meta-data information available in the webpage to increase search result accuracy. Meta-data information can be title, description, keyword and so on.
  • Improved performance of the indexing urls during web-crawling and showcasing the search results.
Product Intelligent Triage
  • Introduced new scoring logic for resolution recommendation in product triage, which results in accurate resolution for the issues.
User Management
  • User management page allows managing user profiles, user groups and roles. Roles define user permission to access the intelliservice features. User group associates related group of users to associate projects and roles.
Agent Transfer
  • Agent transfer allows supporting live agent handover in a round robin fashion anytime during a conversation through MS Teams integration, easily configuring agents for different conversation contexts and geographies, and easily customizing the messages to be shown to end users and agents during the live agent handover.
Configure Schedule Meeting
  • Included new settings page to schedule of meeting anytime during a conversation through MS Outlook integration using maximum slots availability approach. In this page, configure agent details, available meeting slots of agents, customized pre-defined messages and to and for email configurations.

Release v8.1

Here are the key highlights of this 8.1 release.

Enhanced IntelliService UI
  • Project tiles in the homepage to enable quick view of project details like number of flows, FAQs and documents added in each project.
Intelligent Cognitive Search
  • Enhanced model tuning and pre-processing the documents to improve search performance.
  • Web-crawler will crawl across the webpages and download the page content and embedded documents. User can configure the web crawler with a base url, keywords to include and exclude and set number of level up to which the crawler should mine the website.
Conversational Chatbot
  • Chatbot is integrated with cognitive search result. Based on the user conversation, chatbot will understand the intent and displays the search results in the carousal view.
Intelligent Product Triage
  • Product triage page allows to perform the following:
    • edit or update the symptoms and root causes that are generated from the ticket data.
    • update relevance of symptoms and root causes UI based on the triage completion.
  • Automated recommendation to be updated in the issue back in the ticketing system, after identifying and resolving the issues in the agent cockpit page.
New Out of Box Connectors
  • Easy to connect out of box connectors for ticketing systems like JIRA, Zendesk and ServiceNow.
  • Included provision to manually upload of ticketing dump in excel format.