Transferring Files

Z and I Emulator for Windows enables the transfer of one or more files between a host system and workstation. You can define file transfer options in advance to help you transfer a variety of files quickly and easily.


PCT400 was withdrawn from marketing 3/98.

With Z and I Emulator for Windows, you can perform the following file transfer functions:
Send files to the host system
Send files using the Send File to Host from the Actions menu; or by clicking the Send button on the tool bar; or, when using 3270 sessions, the SEND command from the DOS prompt.

You can also send files by using an EHLLAPI or DDE application or a macro that invokes file transfer.

Receive files from the host system
Receive files using the Receive File from Host from the Actions menu; or by clicking the Receive button on the tool bar; or, when using 3270 sessions, the RECEIVE command from the DOS prompt.

You can also receive files by using an EHLLAPI or DDE application or a macro that invokes file transfer.

Data Transfer
For 5250 sessions, click Transfer from the Appearance menu; then select Data Transfer on the property page with the General tab. This causes the invoking of data transfer functionality when one of the above actions is taken. If Data Transfer is not selected, normal file transfer is invoked.
Create, test, replace, and delete templates
Create a template to have Z and I Emulator for Windows automatically generate a workstation or host file name and transfer type when you select a file to be sent or received.
Note: It is not possible to define a file transfer template with the long file name naming convention.
Define transfer types
Define up to 16 transfer types for each host system. Text, binary, and append (except for CICS®) are initially set as transfer types.
Select, create, and customize translation tables
Select translation tables to define which translation table is used during file transfer.
Import or export files (PC/3270 only)
Import/Export is an office system communication program and an application program run on the IBM® Customer Information Control System (CICS®). The import/export function makes it possible to import or export Final Form Text (FFT), Revisable Form Text (RFT), and PC documents.

When you export a file from the host, your workstation receives the file you exported and an interchange document profile (IDP) file. Before you can import a file to your workstation, you need to create an IDP file with transmission information.

Create interactive document profile (IDP) files (PC/3270 only)
An IDP file contains document header information, has the same name as the file to be transferred, and has the extension .IDP.

To create an IDP file, select Transfer from the Appearance menu.

Note: When you transfer a file on a Telnet5250 session, you cannot transfer a file that includes FFEF. The current version of the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 Telnet program misinterprets FFEF in the file as an end-of-record marker.