Auto-Upgrade for Standard Users

From 2.0 onwards, Auto-upgrade is enabled for Standard Users (Windows users who are not part of the “Administrator” group). Upgrade and Rollback is performed from the “Package” menu from the Session Manager (Online/Offline).

Z and I Emulator for WindowsService” manages the Auto-Upgrade or Rollback of Z and I Emulator for Windows, and it can registered in the services during the Base Pack installation.

Steps to Rollback:
After the successful upgradation, to Rollback to the previous version, click “Rollback” menu item from the “Package” menu from the Session Manager (Online/Offline).
Session Manager with disabled menu options

Session Manager
Steps to enable the Auto-Upgrade for a Standard User:
To enable the “Upgrade” and “Rollback” menu options for a Standard User, set the “EnableUpdatePrivilege” keyword value as “YES” in the MZIEWIN.cnf configuration file.
Note: By default, the : "EnableUpdatePrivilege" value is set to NO.
Session Manager with disabled menu options

Session Manager
Note: By default, “Upgrade” and “Rollback” menu options are enabled.