Usage Notes

The stop parameter string is implementation-specific. Different implementations of the autECL objects may require a different format and contents of the parameter string. For Z and I Emulator for Windows, the string has the following format:


Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets []. The parameters are separated by at least one blank. Parameters may be in upper, lower, or mixed case and may appear in any order. The meaning of each parameter is as follows:

  • SAVEPROFILE=<YES|NO|DEFAULT> controls the saving of the current configuration back to the workstation profile (.WS file). This causes the profile to be updated with any configuration changes you may have made. If NO is specified, the connection is stopped and the profile is not updated. If YES is specified, the connection is stopped and the profile is updated with the current (possibly changed) configuration. If DEFAULT is specified, the update option is controlled by the File->Save On Exit emulator menu option. If this parameter is not specified, DEFAULT is used.