Signon Options

When configuring a Data Transfer session, the user specify the following signon parameters:

Use Kerberos principal, no prompting
This function enables Kerberos authentication, using the ticket generated by the Windows user credentials. This option is disabled by default.
Prompt as needed
The host prompt the user for signon information. For each host, the signon dialog is presented only once during the transfer session.

The user enable or disable the “Kerberos Signon Options” using the “Kerberos auto-signon” check box provided in the “Custom” installation UI. By default, “Kerberos auto-signon” is checked and “Kerberos Signon Options” is enabled.

The user disable the “Kerberos Signon Options” by unchecking the “Kerberos auto-signon” check box in the “Custom” installation UI.

For the “Typical” installation, “Kerberos Signon Options” is enabled by default and there are no UI options to enable or disable the “Kerberos Signon Options.”

Silent Installation
The user enable or disable the “Kerberos Signon Options” by setting the value of “KERBEROSSIGNON” property in the custom.ini file.
By default, “Kerberos Signon Options” is enabled and “KERBEROSSIGNON” property is set to “1” in the custom.ini file. The user disable the “Kerberos Signon Options” by setting the value of “KERBEROSSIGNON” property to “0” in the custom.ini. The user must pass custom.ini as an input during the reinstallation of Personal Communications.
Note: The user is not able to enable/disable the "Kerberos Signon Options" for the Refresh Pack Installer.