PCFO Entry

The PCFO entry is optional. PCFO is a keyword that identifies this record as containing information about the date and time formats, time stamp, and separator characters for applicable formats. It must appear only once and must start in column 1, after the PCFT record and before any PCFL records. If there is no PCFO entry, the information or characters assigned as defaults for the host system are used.

Time Formats shows the valid time formats.

Table 1. Time Formats
Indicator Format Name Time Format
1 HMS hh:mm:ss
2 ISO - International Standards Organization hh.mm.ss
3 USA - USA standard hh:mm AM or PM
4 EUR - European hh.mm.ss
5 JIS - Japanese Industrial Standard Christian Era hh:mm:ss
6 DDS Format given by iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file attribute
7 DFT Host job default is used
* Unspecified Host job default is used

Time Separators shows the valid time separators.

Table 2. Time Separators
Indicator Separator
1 Colon (:)
2 Period (.)
3 Comma (,)
4 Blank ( )
5 Null (N)
6 Default (D) (host job default)
* Unspecified (host job default)

Date Formats shows the valid date formats.

Table 3. Date Formats
Indicator Format Name Date Format
1 MDY mm/dd/yy
2 DMY dd/mm/yy
3 YMD yy/mm/dd
4 Julian yy/ddd
5 ISO yyyy-mm-dd
6 USA mm/dd/yyyy
7 EUR dd.mm.yyyy
8 JIS yyyy-mm-dd
9 DDS Format given by iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file attribute
10 DFT Host job default is used
* Unspecified Host job default is used

Date Separators shows the valid date separators.

Table 4. Date Separators
Indicator Separator
1 Slash (/)
2 Dash ()
3 Period (.)
4 Comma (,)
5 Blank ( )
6 Null (N)
7 Default (D) (host job default)
* Unspecified (host job default used)

Decimal Separators shows the valid decimal separators.

Table 5. Decimal Separators
Indicator Separator
1 Period (.)
2 Comma (,)
* Unspecified (workstation default used)
Following is an example of a PCFO entry: