Library/File (Member)

This item is always required. It specifies the name or names of one or more files used to store data to be transferred. Up to 32 file names can be specified. To specify several files, delimit them with commas and use JOIN BY, displayed after all FROM items have been specified. Only the file name must be specified. Do not specify a comma as a part of a file name. When the other optional items are not specified, they are assumed automatically. For example, the library name, member name, and format name can be assumed to be *LIBL, *FIRST, and *ONLY, respectively. When the cursor is on the input field of FROM, selecting Browse lists libraries, files, members, and formats.
Note: To transfer data from an iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 physical file, you must have *USE authority for that file. To transfer data from an iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 logical file, you must have *OBJOPR authority for that file and *READ authority for each subordinate file.
Specify file names as follows. (Items inside brackets [ ] can be omitted.) To specify several file names, delimit the names with commas.
This is the name of the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 library that contains the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file to be transferred. This iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file contains the data to be transferred from the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 to a workstation. If this library name is not specified, *LIBL is assumed. If you cannot find the desired library, selecting Browse displays a list of all libraries defined in *USRLIBL of the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 job library list. *USRLIBL of the library list can be changed by modifying the job description by executing the CHGJOBD command on the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5.
This is the name of the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 physical file, logical file, or DDM file from which data is transferred. This file name must always be specified. To specify a file name and library name concurrently, delimit them with a slash (/). If you cannot find the desired file name, enter the library name followed by a slash, then select Browse. The system then displays a list of files contained in that library. To display a list of all the files in the libraries defined in *USRLIBL of the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 job library list, enter *USRLIBL/, then select Browse.
This is the name of the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 member containing the data to be transferred, or *FIRST. If this member is not specified, the system assumes *FIRST, and the first member of that file is used.
This is the name of the record format contained in the specified iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file, or *ONLY. Before specifying the record format name, specify the member name or *FIRST. If the record format name is not specified, the system assumes *ONLY, and the only record format for that file is used. To specify a record format name, delimit the record format name and member name with a comma.

When the specified iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file has several record formats, a record format name must be specified. If the file member name is not specified, a record format name cannot be specified.

  1. A library name, file name, file member name, and record format name can be specified using up to 10 characters for each. Each name must begin with A to Z, ¥, #, or @. For characters subsequent to the first, 0 to 9, underscores, and periods can also be used.
  2. When the FROM field remains blank or a comma is entered to specify the next file name, selecting Browse displays a list of libraries defined in *USRLIBL of the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 job library list.
  3. Enter part of the file name, member name, or record format name, followed by an asterisk (*), then select Browse. The system displays a list of names beginning with the specified characters.
For example, you might want to transfer data from file member ITEMMBR1 (first member) of file ITEMMAST in library ITEMLIB. ITEMFMT is the only record format of this file. The specification will be as follows:
Alternatively, specify: