Use of File Description File

This item specifies whether a file-description file is used to transfer data to the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5. The file-description file is required to transfer a workstation file, containing the data to be transferred (and converted), in fields. Such a workstation file can have either several fields or numeric data fields. To transfer a workstation file containing text (character data) only, the file-description file is not required. For details on creating a file-description file, see File-Description Files.

  • Do not specify this item in the following case: a workstation file having only one field (for example, PC code character) is specified in FROM, while the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file is a physical source file having the following record format.
      Field        Type          Length      "  " Decimal Places
    Order number   Zoned            6                2
    Date           Zoned            6                0
    Data           Character     1 to 4096
                   or Open
    Note: When fields contain character data or zoned data only, the data portion can be broken down into several fields. The destination iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file contains the fields for order number and date. The workstation file, however, does not. This method is recommended when transferring text only between the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 and the workstation.
  • Specify this item in all other cases. Two examples are:
    • Data is transferred from a workstation file having more than one field.
    • The iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5 file that receives the data is other than a physical source file having the record format described above.