Flags for the pErrorInfo member of the PRINTINFO structure

This can occur for one of one of the following reasons:
  • bPDTMode is set to TRUE, lpPDTFile is set to NULL, and there is no PDT file already configured for the host session.
  • nPrtMode is set to PrtToDskAppend or PrtToDskSeparate, PCS_PRINT_PDT is not set in nFlags, and the host session is not already in PDT mode.
  • nPrtMode is set to PrtToDskAppend or PrtToDskSeparate and bPDTMode is set to FALSE.
The file or the path specified in lpPDTFile was not found.
This can occur for one of one of the following reasons:
  • The folder specified in the field lpPrtToDskAppFile or lpPrtToDskSepFile does not exist or does not have write access.
  • An extension is specified in the field lpPrtToDskSepFile.
nPrtMode cannot be set successfully. This can occur for one of the following reasons:
  • The value of nPrtMode is not one of the enumerated constants of the PRINTMODE enum data type.
  • nPrtMode is set to PrtToDskAppend, lpPrtToDskAppFile is set to NULL, and there is no Print to Disk-Append file already configured in the host session.
  • nPrtMode is set to PrtToDskSeparate, lpPrtToDskSepFile is set to NULL, and there is no Print to Disk-Separate file already configured in the host session.
  • nPrtMode is set to SpecificPrinter and the printer given in the lpPrinterName field was not found.
  • nPrtMode is set to WinDefaultPrinter and there is no default Windows® printer configured in the system.
  • bPDTMode is set to FALSE and PCS_PRINT_PRINTMODE is not set in nFlags, but the host session PrintMode is PrtToDskAppend or PrtToDskSeparate.