Migration from the Printer Function Table

The following table shows the target fields of the PDF for the data in the PFT.

Table 1. Migration from the Printer Function Table to the Printer Definition File

PFT Field Name PDF Field Name
Initialization START_JOB=
When the data is defined in the Initialization field of PFT, the data is appended to the string START_JOB=.
Filename None
This field is ignored.
Reset END_JOB=
When the data is defined in the Reset field of PFT, the data is appended to the string END_JOB=.
6 lines per inch
6 lines per inch SET_6_LINES_PER_INCH=
When the data is defined in the 6 lines per inch field of PFT, the data is appended to the string SET_6_LINES_PER_INCH=.
8 lines per inch
8 lines per inch SET_8_LINES_PER_INCH=
When the data is defined in the 8 lines per inch field of PFT, the data is appended to the string SET_8_LINES_PER_INCH=.
Variable line spacing

When the data is defined in the control sequence field of the PFT for the variable line spacing, the data is appended to the string SET_VARIABLE_DENSITY=. The parameter n in the control sequence is replaced with the PDF parameter type.

Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
When the data is defined in the X/Y field of the PFT for the variable line spacing, the value Y/X is appended to the string LINE_SPACING_RATIO= as three-digit or four-digit numbers to indicate the decimal number. For example, when Y/X is 72, the 072 is appended to the string LINE_SPACING_RATIO= and LINE_SPACING_RATIO=072 is written to the output file. When the value is greater than 255, the four-digit number is migrated. When the value is less than 255, the three-digit number is migrated.
Indexing Functions
Begin Superscript START_SUPERSCRIPT=
When the data is defined in the Begin Superscript field and End Superscript field of the PFT for the indexing functions, the data is appended to the string START_SUPERSCRIPT=. If the data for the End Superscript is not defined, the data for the Begin Superscript is ignored.
End Superscript END_SUPERSCRIPT=
When the data is defined in the End Superscript field and Begin Superscript field of the PFT for the indexing functions, the data is appended to the string END_SUPERSCRIPT=. If the data for the Begin Superscript is not defined, the data for the End Superscript is ignored.
Begin Subscript START_SUBSCRIPT=
When the data is defined in the Begin Subscript field and End Subscript field of the PFT for the indexing functions, the data is appended to the string START_SUBSCRIPT=. If the data for the End Subscript is not defined, the data for the Begin Subscript is ignored.
End Subscript END_SUBSCRIPT=
When the data is defined in the End Subscript field and Begin Subscript field of the PFT for the indexing functions, the data is appended to the string END_SUBSCRIPT=. If the data for the Begin Subscript is not defined, the data for the End Subscript is ignored.
The data is appended to the START_SUPERSCRIPT= for all of the following conditions:
  • When the data is not defined in the Begin Superscript field in the PFT or when the data is not defined in the End Superscript field in the PFT.
  • When the data is defined in the Reverse 1/2 index and Forward 1/2 index field in the PFT.
The data is appended to END_SUBSCRIPT= for all of the following conditions:
  • When the data is not defined in the Begin Subscript field in the PFT or when the data is not defined in the End Subscript field in the PFT.
  • When the data is defined in the Reverse 1/2 index and Forward 1/2 index field in the PFT.
The data is appended to END_SUPERSCRIPT= for all of the following conditions:
  • When the data is not defined in Begin Superscript field in the PFT or when the data is not defined in End Superscript field in the PFT.
  • When the data is defined in the Reverse 1/2 index and Forward 1/2 index field in the PFT.
The data is appended to START_SUBSCRIPT= for all of the following conditions:
  • When the data is not defined in the Begin Subscript field in the PFT or when the data is not defined in the End Subscript field in the PFT.
  • When the data is defined in the Reverse 1/2 index and Forward 1/2 index field in the PFT.
Reverse Index None
This field is ignored.
5 pitch
5 pitch None
This field is ignored.
8.55 pitch
8.55 pitch None
This field is ignored.
10 pitch
When the data is defined in the 10 pitch field of the PFT for the horizontal character spacing, the data is appended to the string SET_10_CHARACTERS_PER_INCH=.
12 pitch
When the data is defined in the 12 pitch field of the PFT for the horizontal character spacing, the data is appended to the string SET_12_CHARACTERS_PER_INCH=.
15 pitch
When the data is defined in the 15 pitch field of the PFT for the horizontal character spacing, the data is appended to the string SET_15_CHARACTERS_PER_INCH=.
17.1 pitch
When the data is defined in the 17.1 pitch field of the PFT for the horizontal character spacing, the data is appended to the string SET_17_CHARACTERS_PER_INCH=.
Horizontal Motion Index
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
X/Y None
This field is ignored.
Forward Relative Movement
When the data is defined in the Forward Relative Movement field of PFT, the data is appended to the string FORWARD_HORIZONTAL_SKIP=. The parameter n in the control sequence is replaced with the PDF parameter type.
Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
When the data is defined in the X/Y field of the PFT for the forward relative movement, the value Y/X is appended to the string HORIZONTAL_PEL= as three-digit or four-digit number to indicate the decimal number. For example, when Y/X is 120, 120 is appended to the string HORIZONTAL_PEL= and HORIZONTAL_PEL=120 is written to the output file. When the value is greater than 255, the four-digit number is migrated. When the value is less than 255, the three-digit number is migrated.
Backward Relative Movement
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
X/Y None
This field is ignored.
Begin Emphasis
When the data is defined in the Begin Emphasis of PFT, the data is appended to the string START_HIGHLIGHT_INTENSE=.
End Emphasis
When the data is defined in the End Emphasis of PFT, the data is appended to the string END_HIGHLIGHT_INTENSE=.
Begin Underline
When the data is defined in the Begin Underline of PFT, the data is appended to the string START_HIGHLIGHT_UNDERLINE=.
End Underline
When the data is defined in the End Underline of PFT, the data is appended to the string END_HIGHLIGHT_UNDERLINE=.
Begin Quality Print
Begin Quality Print None
This field is ignored.
End Quality Print
End Quality Print None
This field is ignored.
Bottom Tray Feed
Bottom Tray Feed SELECT_DRAWER2=
If the data is defined in some fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility assumes that this control sequence includes the control of the portrait orientation. For this, the PFT Migration Utility divides this control sequence into two parts and migrates the control sequence for the drawer select and paper feed. The control sequence of the portrait orientation is migrated to SET_PORTRAIT_ORIENT=. If no data is defined in any fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility migrates this control sequence to the SELECT_DRAWER2=. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Top Tray Feed
If the data is defined in some fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility assumes that this control sequence includes the control of the portrait orientation. For this, the PFT Migration Utility divides this control sequence into two parts and migrates the control sequence for the drawer select and paper feed. The control sequence of the portrait orientation is migrated to SET_PORTRAIT_ORIENT=. If no data is defined in any fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility migrates this control sequence to SELECT_DRAWER1=. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Envelope Feed
If the data is defined in some fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility assumes that this control sequence includes the control of the portrait orientation. For this, the PFT Migration Utility divides this control sequence into two parts and migrates the control sequence for the drawer select and paper feed. The control sequence of the portrait orientation is migrated to SET_PORTRAIT_ORIENT=. If no data is defined in any fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility migrates this control sequence to SELECT_ENVELOPE=. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Manual Feed
If the data is defined in some fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility assumes that this control sequence includes the control of the portrait orientation. For this, the PFT Migration Utility divides this control sequence into two parts and migrates the control sequence for the drawer select and paper feed. The control sequence of the portrait orientation is migrated to SET_PORTRAIT_ORIENT=. If no data is defined in any fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility migrates this control sequence to SELECT_DRAWER3=. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Continuous Feed
Continuous Feed None
This field is ignored.
Ignore Paper End Sensor
Ignore Paper End Sensor None
This field is ignored.
Enable Paper End Sensor
Enable Paper End Sensor None
This field is ignored.
Eject Automatic Cut Sheet
Eject automatic Cut Sheet None
This field is ignored.
Eject Manual Cut Sheet
Eject Manual Cut Sheet None
This field is ignored.
Collate None
This field is ignored.
Continuous Forms
Dist. from Top Paper Edge None
This field is ignored.
Dist. from Left Paper Edge None
This field is ignored.
Location of First Print Column None
This field is ignored.
Manual Feed
Dist. from Top Paper Edge None
This field is ignored.
Dist. from Left Paper Edge None
This field is ignored.
Location of First Print Column None
This field is ignored.
Automatic Feed
Dist. from Top Paper Edge None
This field is ignored.
Dist. from Left Paper Edge None
This field is ignored.
Location of First Print Column None
This field is ignored.
When the data is defined in the control sequence for SET PAGE LENGTH (INCHES) and if any of the data is not defined in the control sequence for SET PAGE LENGTH (LINES), this field is migrated.
Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
X/Y None
This field is ignored.
Top Margin Size None
This field is ignored.
Bottom Margin Size None
This field is ignored.
When the length is defined in the control sequence for SET PAGE LENGTH (LINES), this field is migrated.
Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
X/Y None
This field is ignored.
Top Margin Size None
This field is ignored.
Bottom Margin Size None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
X/Y None
This field is ignored.
When the data is defined in the control sequence field for SET LEFT MARGIN (COLUMNS), this field is migrated.
Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
Continuous Forms
Carrier Return (Continuous Forms) CARRIAGE_RETURN=
This field is migrated for the following cases:
  • Case 1
    • The data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Continuous Forms.
    • Any of the data in the Carrier Return field is not defined for the Manual Feed and Automatic Feed.
  • Case 2
    • The data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Continuous Forms.
    • The same data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Manual Feed.
    • Any of the data in the Carrier Return field is not defined for the Automatic Feed.
  • Case 3
    • The data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Continuous Forms.
    • The same data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Automatic Feed.
    • Any of the data in the Carrier Return field is not defined for the Manual Feed.
  • Case 4
    • The data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Continuous Forms.
    • The same data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Automatic Feed and Manual Feed.
Line Feed (Continuous Forms) LINE_FEED=
This field is migrated for the following cases:
  • Case 1
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
    • Any of the data in the Line Feed Line field is not defined for the Manual Feed and Automatic Feed.
  • Case 2
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • Any data is not defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
  • Case 3
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
    • Any data is not defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
  • Case 4
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed and Manual Feed.
Manual Feed
Carrier Return (Manual Feed) CARRIAGE_RETURN=
This field is migrated for the following cases:
  • Case 1
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • Any of the data in the Line Feed Line field is not defined for the Continuous Forms and Automatic Feed.
  • Case 2
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
    • Any data is not defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
  • Case 3
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
    • Any data is not defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
  • Case 4
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed and Continuous Forms.
Line Feed (Manual Feed) LINE_FEED=
This field is migrated for the following cases:
  • Case 1
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • Any of the data in the Line Feed Line field is not defined for the Continuous Forms and Automatic Feed.
  • Case 2
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
    • Any data is not defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
  • Case 3
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
    • Any data is not defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
  • Case 4
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed and Continuous Forms.
Automatic Feed
Carrier Return (Automatic Feed) CARRIAGE_RETURN=
This field is migrated for the following cases:
  • Case 1
    • The data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Automatic Feed.
    • Any of the data in the Carrier Return field is not defined for the Continuous Feed and Manual Feed.
  • Case 2
    • The data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Automatic Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Continuous Forms.
    • Any of the data in the Carrier Return field is not defined for the Manual Feed.
  • Case 3
    • The data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Automatic Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Manual Feed.
    • Any of the data in the Carrier Return field is not defined for the Continuous Forms.
  • Case 4
    • The data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Automatic Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Carrier Return field for the Manual Feed and Continuous Forms.
Line Feed (Automatic Feed) LINE_FEED=
This field is migrated for the following cases:
  • Case 1
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
    • Any of the data in the Line Feed Line field is not defined for the Continuous Forms and Manual Feed.
  • Case 2
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
    • Any data is not defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
  • Case 3
    • The data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed.
    • Any data is not defined in the Line Feed field for the Continuous Forms.
  • Case 4
    • When the data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Automatic Feed.
    • The same data is defined in the Line Feed field for the Manual Feed and Continuous Forms.
Print without Clearing Page from
Top Tray None
This field is ignored.
Bottom Tray None
This field is ignored.
Envelope Tray None
This field is ignored.
Manual Tray None
This field is ignored.
Clear Page Buffer None
This field is ignored.
Multiple Copies Variable Control
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Maximum None
This field is ignored.
Offset None
This field is ignored.
Bottom Tray Feed
If the data is defined in some fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility assumes that this control sequence includes the control sequence for the landscape orientation. For this, the PFT Migration Utility divides the control sequence into two parts. The control sequence for the drawer select and paper feed is ignored because this control sequence is migrated when the data for PAPER HANDLING is processed. The control sequence for landscape orientation is migrated to SET_LANDSCAPE_ORIENT=. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Top Tray Feed
If the data is defined in some fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility assumes that this control sequence includes the control sequence for the landscape orientation. For this, the PFT Migration Utility divides the control sequence into two parts. The control sequence for the drawer select and paper feed is ignored because this control sequence is migrated when the data for PAPER HANDLING is processed. The control sequence for landscape orientation is migrated to SET_LANDSCAPE_ORIENT=. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Envelope Feed
If the data is defined in some fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility assumes that this control sequence includes the control sequence for the landscape orientation. For this, the PFT Migration Utility divides the control sequence into two parts. The control sequence for the drawer select and paper feed is ignored because this control sequence is migrated when the data for PAPER HANDLING is processed. The control sequence for landscape orientation is migrated to SET_LANDSCAPE_ORIENT=. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Manual Feed
If the data is defined in some fields for LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING, the PFT Migration Utility assumes that this control sequence includes the control sequence for the landscape orientation. For this, the PFT Migration Utility divides the control sequence into two parts. The control sequence for the drawer select and paper feed is ignored because this control sequence is migrated when the data for PAPER HANDLING is processed. The control sequence for landscape orientation is migrated to SET_LANDSCAPE_ORIENT=. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Default Typestyle Definition
PC Character Set None
This field is ignored.
Initial Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Ending Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Individual Typestyle Definition
Typestyle number SET_GFID_
This number is appended as a four-digit number after the string SET_GFID_. For example, when the typestyle number 9 is defined, 0009 is appended after the string SET_GFID_ and SET_GFID_0009= is migrated. And the numbers supported by PC400 are migrated. The numbers not supported by PC400 are ignored.
PC Character Set None
This field is ignored.
Initial Control Sequence SET_GFID_xxxx=
This control sequence is appended after the string SET_GFID_xxxx=, where xxxx is the four-digit number defined in the typestyle number field.
Ending Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Characters None
This field is ignored.
Initial Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Ending Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Symbols None
This field is ignored.
Initial Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Ending Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Group Typestyle Definition
Group Identifier None
This field is ignored.
Group Identifier Comment None
This field is ignored.
Typestyle number SET_GFID_
This number is appended as a four-digit number after the string SET_GFID_. For example, when the typestyle numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are defined, 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0004 are appended after the string SET_GFID_ and SET_GFID_0001=, SET_GFID_0002=, SET_GFID_0003=, and SET_GFID_0004= are migrated because the PC400 does not have the group typestyle definition. The typestyle numbers that are not supported by the PC400 are not migrated.
PC Character Set None
This field is ignored.
Initial Control Sequence SET_GFID_xxxx=
This control sequence is appended after the string SET_GFID_xxxx=, where xxxx is the four-digit number defined in the typestyle number field.
Ending Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Characters None
This field is ignored.
Initial Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Ending Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Symbols None
This field is ignored.
Initial Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Ending Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Character Set Number
Character Set Number None
This field is ignored.
Slot 1 Sequence
Slot 1 Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Slot 2 Sequence
Slot 2 Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Slot 3 Sequence
Slot 3 Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Stop Sequence
Stop Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Parameters of SET ENVELOP SIZE Command
Control Number: 984 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
ESC Sequence of SET ENVELOP SIZE Command
Control Number: 985 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Parameters of SET PAGE SIZE Command
Control Number: 986 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
ESC Sequence of SET PAGE SIZE Command
Control Number: 987 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Printer Data Stream
Control Number: 988 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence SET_FONT_GLOBAL=1B 5B 49 word-value(LH) word-value(HL) word-value(HL) byte-value word-value(HL)
When 04 is defined in this field, SET_FONT_GLOBAL=1B 5B 49 … word-value(HL) is migrated. When the other value is defined, this field is ignored. 04 means IBM® Personal Printer Data Stream Level 2 or higher. When the migration is done for PAPER HANDLING, use this information. (See Definition of PAPER HANDLING Migration.)
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Duplex long edge
Control Number: 989 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence SET_DUPLEX=
When the data is defined in the control sequence for the duplex long edge, the data is appended to the string SET_DUPLEX=.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Duplex short edge
Control Number: 990 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence SET_DUPLEX_TUMBLE=
When the data is defined in the control sequence for the duplex short edge, the data is appended to the string SET_DUPLEX_TUMBLE=.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Control Number: 991 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence RESET_DUPLEX=
When the data is defined in the control sequence for the simplex, the data is appended to the string RESET_DUPLEX=.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Jog the output tray
Control Number: 992 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Normal portrait orientation
Control Number: 993 None
This field is ignored.
When the data is defined in the control field for the normal portrait orientation, the data is appended to the string SET_PORTRAIT_ORIENT=.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Landscape left
Control Number: 994 None
This field is ignored.
When the data is defined in the control field for the landscape left, the data is appended to the string SET_LANDSCAPELEFT_ORIENT=.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Portrait upside down orientation
Control Number: 995 None
This field is ignored.
When the data is defined in the control field for the portrait upside down orientation, the data is appended to the string SET_PORTRAITUPDWN_ORIENT=.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
Landscape right
Control Number: 996 None
This field is ignored.
When the data is defined in the control field for the landscape right, the data is appended to the string SET_LANDSCAPERGHT_ORIENT=.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
COR in 10 pitch
Control Number: 997 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
COR in 12 pitch
Control Number: 998 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.
COR in 15 pitch
Control Number: 999 None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence None
This field is ignored.
Control Sequence File Name None
This field is ignored.


This data is ignored.
Underline None
This data is ignored.
Emphasis (Bold) None
This data is ignored.
Form Feed None
This data is ignored.
This field is migrated when you type YES or NO in response to the prompt during the Backspace Function Selection Test.
Mid-line pitch change None
This data is ignored.
Horizontal Character spacing None
This data is ignored.
First character position None
This data is ignored.
PSM None
This data is ignored.
Cursor Draw None
This data is ignored.
Note: When you migrate IBM3812.PFT and IBM3812.MNL, the following fields are added to IBM3812.PDF:
  • FORWARD_VERTICAL_STEP_FEED=1B 5B 43 03 00 E3 word-value(LH)