Substitution Characters

You can use special substitution characters in the WID field to control the placement of the generated information into the DEVNAME field. One substitution character is used in the WID for each generated character. This reserves space in the DEVNAME for each generated character and indicates where each generated character is to be placed. The three special substitution characters are:

Short Session ID
(value range: A-Z or a-z) The special character signifying this in the WID is the asterisk (*).
If the WorkstationID is configured as 123* and the short ID of the first session is A, then the device names generated for the first three sessions will be 123A, 123B, and 123C.
Session Type ID
(possible values: S for diSplay or P for Printer) The special character signifying this in the WID is the percent sign (%).
Example: If the Workstation ID is configured as %123* and the session type is Printer, then the first three device names generated would be P123A, P123B, and P123C.
Collision Avoidance ID
(value range: 1-9, A-Z or a-z) The Collision Avoidance ID (CAID) is used by the device name collision (DNC) function (see Device Name Collision Processing) to generate a new DEVice NAME when the old name is rejected by the Telnet server as already being in use. The special character signifying this in the WID is the equals sign (=).
Example: If the Workstation ID is configured as %ABC=, the session type is Display, and the device name SABC1 is already in use on the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5, then the first generated device name (SABC1) will be rejected by the server, but the second name (SABC2) will be accepted.