Bypass Signon Using Password Substitute (5250)

This option enables the user to bypass iSeries login screen by sending a SHA1 password substitute.

Note: This option works only when the QPWDLVL system value at the iSeries is either 2 or 3. A change to this system value takes effect at the next IPL. To see the current and pending password level values, use the Display Security Attributes (DSPSECA) command. The QRMTSIGN system value, which specifies how the system handles remote sign-on requests, als needs to be set to *VERIFY.

The credentials are encrypted and saved in the current user's registry hive on the local computer. The user is prompted for a password in case the password stored in the registry is no longer valid. The newly entered password shall be stored in the registry and used for subsequent bypass logins.

Users can update the existing password in the registry or add a new password by using Update registry with bypass login credentials... menu item present in the Actions menu. This option is used whenever an user changes the password on the host; for example, at the time of password expiry.

If bypass login is enabled, ZIEWin prompts the user for a password in case the password stored in the registry is incorrect. The newly entered password is to be stored in the registry and used for subsequent bypass logins.

Also, there is a new menu option added to Actions menu called Update registry with bypass login credentials..., which allows users to update the existing password in the registry or add a new password corresponding to a particular hostname or IP address.

In case the password stored in the registry is expired and bypass login is enabled and the user logs in, the password change screen displays so that the user can set a new password.

When the user change the password successfully (registry still contains the old or expired password) , log out, disconnect, and try bypass login again, the old or expired password is still taken from the registry and used for the bypass login. Due to the invalidity of the old password from the registry, the login fails for the first time and ZIEWin prompts the user for new password. When the user enter the new password that has been created before reglogin, the correct password is to be stored in the registry and ZIEWin reconnects using the new password.