The Export Public Key window

Tutorial on configuring the SSH client

The image below shows the Export Public Key window. Z and I Emulator for Web displays this window when you click Export Public Key in the Public Key Authentication group of the SSH configuration window of the VT Display session configuration.

  • The Destination input field contains the path and file name of the output file that is to contain the exported public key. In the image below the path is f:\tm\keys and the file name is

    The default value for the path is the value specified in the Java system property user.home, and the default value for the file name is .id_dsa. For example, on a Windows client platform the default path and file name could be c:\Documents and Settings\johnsmith\ Click here for information on determining the value of user.home on a client system.

  • The Use OpenSSH Format checkbox determines the format of the extracted public key.
    • If the checkbox is checked then the format is OpenSSH format.
    • If the checkbox is not checked then the format is the SSH Public Key File Format.

    Check with your system administrator to determine which format your SSH server requires. If necessary, generate a public key in each of the 2 formats, then try each on the host to see which format works with the SSH client.

Export Public Key window