
Cursor Style Light Pen Mode Input Area Indication Lock option Watermark

Cursor Style Determines whether the cursor displays as an underscore or a block while the keyboard is in Replace mode. You can also click Altcur on the session-window keypad to change the cursor style.

Light Pen Mode When enabled, allows you to use the mouse for light pen functions. This option is useful when you encounter a host application that requires light pen functions

Cross-hair Mode If you set the value of cross-hair option as YES, it permanently enables the cross-hair cursor option for the particular session.

Input Area Indication

Indicates that the unprotected fields in a 3270 session be indicated in a particular method.

Underdot - Causes a dot to be placed under every character position in the fields indicated by the second value. Underline - Causes an underline to be placed under every character position in the fields indicated by the second value. 3D - Causes a 3D rectangle to be displayed in the fields indicated by the second value. Display - Only unprotected displayable fields will have the selected indication applied. NonDisplay - Only unprotected non-displayable fields will have the selected indication applied. DisplayAndNonDisplay - All unprotected fields will have the selected indication applied.

Possible values include the following:

  • Underdot,DisplayAndNonDisplay
  • UnderDot,NonDisplay
  • UnderDot,Display
  • UnderLine,Display
  • UnderLine,DisplayAndNonDisplay
  • UnderLine,NonDisplay
  • 3DLowered,DisplayAndNonDisplay
  • 3DLowered,Display
  • 3DLowered,NonDisplay
  • 3DRaised,DisplayAndNonDisplay
  • 3DRaised,Display 3DRaised,NonDisplay

By Default, None of these options are enabled.

Lock option Select the Lock checkbox to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users cannot change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.

Watermark (Yes or No)

Select yes to add watermark to the display session (3270 Display, 5250 Display, VT Display, CICS Gateway).

The default value is No.

If this is set to yes, the configure button is enabled to allow the user to set the properties for the watermark.

Configure: Click here to configure Watermark properties for display emulation session (3270 Display, 5250 Display, VT Display, CICS Gateway).

Note: Watermark is currently supported in Z and I Emulator for Web clients created with Deployment Wizard using HTML-based models. Therefore, the default clients (Eg. default.html) would currently not have this facility. This facility is, currently, also not supported on Z and I Emulator for Web plugin and portlet flavors.