
Bidi options

Edit Bidi options

Numeral Shape (Arabic) Text Type (Arabic/Hebrew) Text Orientation (Arabic/Hebrew) Round Trip (Arabic/Hebrew)

Display BIDI options (5250 Display session only)

Allocate space for LamAlef (Arabic) RTL Unicode Override (Arabic/Hebrew)

Thai Options

Thai Composed Mode

DBCS options

User Defined Character (UDC) Setting UDC Table Selection IME Auto Start


BIDI options

Edit Bidi options

Numeral Shape (Arabic)

Determines the shape of numeric characters of the string copied to or pasted from the clipboard. Choose Nominal, National, or Contextual.

The default is Nominal.

Text Type (Arabic and Hebrew)

Determines the format of the text that is copied to or pasted from the clipboard. Select Visual or Logical.

The default is Visual.

Text Orientation (Arabic and Hebrew)

Determines whether the orientation of characters copied to or pasted from the clipboard is left to right or right to left.

The default is Left to Right.

Round Trip (Arabic and Hebrew)

The Round Trip option disables the reversal of numerals if preceded by Bidi characters in the text copied to or pasted from the clipboard.

The default is On.

Display Bidi options (5250 Display session only)

Allocate space for LamAlef (Arabic)

This option is to protect the LamAlef character at the Implicit file on iSeries systems. When this option is On, each LamAlef will allocate space at the end of the Arabic field.

The default is Off.

RTL Unicode Override (Arabic and Hebrew)

Select to enable a right-to-left orientation for files exchanged between client and host in a Unicode (UTF8 or UCS2) transfer.

Thai Options

Thai Composed Mode

Select a display mode:

Mode Description
1 - Non-compose No character composition occurs.
2 - No alignment Thai characters are auto-composed. No column realignment is performed.
3 - Space alignment Three consecutive spaces cause column realignment. The realignment occurs whenever composing routine finds three consecutive spaces. If all fields have at least three trailing spaces, then all fields of all records will be properly aligned.
4 - EOF alignment The EOF character (Hexadecimal 'EA') also causes column realignment. Whenever the composing routine finds a single EOF, it deletes the EOF and performs column realignment. If two consecutive EOFs are found, no realignment occurs, one EOF is deleted, and one EOF is treated as data.
5 - Space and EOF alignment Combines column realignment function of both mode 3 and mode 4.

DBCS options

User Defined Character Setting

Determine whether the session starts with a user-defined character (UDC) mapping table.

The default is Off. If you want to use a UDC mapping table, set this option to On.

UDC Table Selection

Select the UDC mapping table that will be applied in this session. You can create a new mapping table.

The default is none.

IME Auto Start

Select Yes to automatically start the Input Method Editor (IME) when the cursor is located on DBCS fields. IME is a front-end processor that generates DBCS strings. This function requires Java 2.

For DBCS sessions running on Java 2, the default is On. For all other sessions, the default is Off.

In Korean versions of Z and I Emulator for Web, IME is coded to automatically transform all DBCS input into Hanguel (to fulfill a Java requirement). Therefore, you must disable IME Auto Start for sessions requiring DBCS alphanumeric input.


Check Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.